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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 101


“We will probe the mind of Heather Penbrook first.” Janaina states clearly, looking at the young witch and motioning her to come forward. “Heather, step to the front of the podium.”

Janaina herself, steps up onto the dais and nods at Raihana and Magdalene.

“You got this,” Raihana says, giving me a small smile before she joins the other two on the dais. Although Janaina will be doing the spell, they will be making sure everything goes accordingly.

Heather stands up hesitantly but before she can even step around the low barrier, her father stands up. “I object. How can a witch related to the suspect be a part of this?”

Raihana’s eyes flash as she turns and glares at him. “We are in a room full of many witches, any foul play would be seen.” She says icily.

“Serafina…” Magdalene says warningly.

“I am stating facts.” Raihana cuts her off. “Remember that.”

Magdalene frowns, but even without being an official member of the coven, it’s obvious she has a strong hold over them.

Delsanra stands up and leans over to get Heather’s attention. She smiles gently.

“We are all here to do the right thing, there is a grave misunderstanding at play, and we just want the answers. Don’t be afraid.” She says to her. Despite her smile, there’s strength and confidence in her voice as she motions the girl to go to the dais.

I smirk when I spot Rayhan checking out his mate’s ass. You ain’t no innocent fucker.

I turn my attention to Heather as she walks hesitantly to the front.

I've got to admit; she does look fucking intimidated… Is she that scared? Is she so sure that it was me who attacked her?

“I can assure you there will be no foul play,” Magdalene says to her. “We are all as concerned as you are regarding this matter. The spell does not hurt at all. This trial is held publicly, so if anything is to come to light… no one can oppose it.”

“How about we get on with the actual mind probing?” Leo cuts in, his cold eyes looking at her. A few of the Alphas on the council nod in agreement.

Magdalene looks at him and frowns. “They are all alike.” She mutters, not bothering to keep her voice down.

She motions to Janaina to begin and without further ado, she steps forward, readying herself.

She whispers a spell, raising her hands, a faint glow spreads from her hands and she places two fingers to Heather’s forehead. There’s a frown of concentration on her face and I know she’s pulling forward the memories from that night.

The scene around us changes, and we’re back in that forest.

She’s running, and I realise this spell is showing us everything from her eyes of that night.

The room falls pin-drop silent as everyone watches the unfolding of the events.

A scream pierces the air, and she shouts out, terrified.

It looks like a scene straight out of a horror movie. I can’t feel her emotions, but the shaky breath and the hammering pounding of her heart gives it away.

She turns to see her friend flailing in the darkness, the body being thrown around by an unseen entity as blood splatters everywhere.

She’s screaming, as the survivors run for their lives and straight into the forest, while the Death-Noodle gives chase.

I hope those who have fought the Death-Noodle can recognise its movements.


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