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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 11


“Ah, it’s hot! Careful!” Kataleya scolds as she swats my hand away gently from the sizzling grill that sits in front of me.

“Does it matter? I will heal.” I remind her, sucking my finger clean. We are down at Kayoko’s Grill, grilling our own meat. It’s sizzling hot and damn delicious. We used to come here with Song and Azura, have some sake and enjoy chatting about boys, life, and stuff in general, but both of them have graduated. In fact, Azura has a cute little three-month-old baby now!

“Missing them?” Kataleya asks knowingly.

I nod. “Yeah, you know the four of us were pretty wild.” I wink at her.

Her smile falters and she nods. “You and Zu were, but yes… it’s not the same. It’s still nice, me and you…”

“Yes, it is… What is it, Kat?” I ask. There’s more… she’s not telling me, but something is on her mind.

She tilts her head, her long sandy brown hair falling over her shoulder then her dark eyes stare at the sizzling cubes of meat on the grill. “I… I won’t be here for graduation… I’m going to leave Sky.” Her words are barely above a whisper, but they strike something inside. I suddenly feel like I can’t breathe and suddenly there is a prickly feeling in my eyes as I look at her, trying not to show how those words hurt.

“Leave?” I ask, not knowing why I feel so upset.

I knew it was coming, but I swear I thought I’ll have her by my side until graduation.

“Oh wow, really?!” I say, jumping forward and knocking my elbow into the pot of chilli sauce, making it splatter everywhere. It flicks across my face, and I flinch as it gets into my eyes. “Oh, shit.”

“Oh no Sky, are you ok!” She’s by my side in minutes as the tears I am unable to hold back well up in my eyes.

She’s leaving.

“Fuck, yeah I’m fine, I’m so damn clumsy.” I glare at the chilli pot as she quickly dampens a corner of a tissue with some water. “I got it thanks.” I try to take it from her, but she refuses.

She smiles sadly at me, and I smile back as she begins cleaning it up.

I’m fine.

A waitress comes soon and clears the spilt sauce from the table and Kataleya returns to her seat.

She’s leaving…

“So, you’re leaving so soon? Is Dad cool with that?” I ask nonchalantly.

She blushes and nods. “I’m not going abroad immediately… but he’s ok, reluctant, but he’s happy for me to go. Of course, I have to have two guards with me. With my grades last year being perfect for the exams I sat, I don’t really need to re-sit them this year. I don’t want to waste any more time Sky… I need to do this.”

She wants to go to the boy who helped her as a child, a boy who lost his hand for helping her… a boy whose picture she wears around her neck… She’s been waiting for the time she could leave… 12 years… I want to scream and beg her to stay, at least until graduation but she’s been waiting longer. I can’t be selfish.

“Leo may have the answer Sky… you know the machinery he used to keep himself alive? It was able to handle the change and was compatible with his wolf to an extent when he shifted… He thinks he can make a bionic-engineered limb with the same concept… Azura asked him. He said he’ll also be willing to take me on as a student for a year as I want to learn too…” Her eyes are full of tears and I can’t help but fight my own back.

For years she’s looked for some solution but there is nothing that advanced that will transform when he shifts that could handle a full-on run or battle. She’s trying to create him the perfect limb for what is gone, and Leo may just be the one to be able to help her. More than my own happiness, I want her to be happy.

Soon… she’s leaving so soon…

But even then, I want her to do this. I want her happy. I reach over and cup her face. My angel.

“You need to go! I’m so ecstatic for you! Don’t hesitate! You have worked so hard to learn about bionic engineering and if Leo is willing to teach you, go pick those brains. He stole far more from the Rossi gene pool than his fair share anyway!” I say, as she reaches over, wiping my stray tears away. She smiles sadly as I reach over and wipe hers away too.

“I’m sorry for leaving you Sky, so soon… Will you be ok?” She asks softly, moving back. I begin removing the meat from the grill and add some more.

I nod, giving her my best smirk, making myself believe it so she doesn’t see through me. “Obviously, yes, I’m having issues with control, but hey I’ll be getting some training to help work with that. So when exactly are you leaving?”

“I just need to gather some of my reports and stuff, but I shouldn’t be here longer than a week.”

So soon…

“Great! How about I come and crash at Azura’s next hols?”

“That would be amazing!”

“Ah, I’m just jealous you’ll get to see that little minion! I just want to gobble her up.” I say, thinking of my cute little cousin? Niece? Urgh, this entire family tree is a confusing mess.

“Oh, I can’t wait to spend time with her, plus, now that Uncle is with his mate, maybe they’ll have babies soon.”

I scrunch my face up. “Ah yeah, the pretty blonde. I like blondes…” I grumble, my mind turning to the Ardens… both brothers seemed to have their attention on me… both were off limits but somehow that made it all the more fun, although Royce playing hard to get is more appealing… Aleric seems to relate to me somewhat.

“Oh, did you see the new teachers? They are both blonde.” She giggles innocently.

Did I see them? Girl, I stripped in front of one of them. “Yeah, they’re extremely handsome.” I say with a smirk. And fuckable.

She nods her agreement as she innocently flips the meat on the platter. I pick up my phone, staring at the chat between me and Reign. Not one message since he cancelled on me... I had texted him once, asking for an explanation, but nothing. Nothing at all… He just left me, like everyone else.

I slip my phone into my pocket as I look around the groups of people sitting at the tables, chatting, laughing and enjoying their food. They’re all humans, the music and the warm lighting add to the ambience of the restaurant. I raise my hand.

“More meat please!” I call.

Tonight, I will eat and laugh with my sister, because every moment should be cherished… who knows when the next person will leave me?


I stare at the red light on the digital clock on the bedside table.


I sigh as I roll onto my back. I’ve been tossing and turning all night. Even Malevolent got fed up and is now sleeping on the pillow next to me. I sit up, remembering Kataleya’s concern as I dropped her at the academy.

Are you sure you’re ok Sky? Please talk to me… I’m perfectly fine, Kat, I promise you. I am… Ok, I’m glad, I am worried about you Sky… Don’t, I’m the devil herself, I’m perfectly fine…


I wrap my arms around my knees and pick up my phone, unable to stop myself from messaging him.

LuciferessX: I can’t believe I’m being this ridiculous, but I’m messaging you first, although you fucked me up. I’m sorry if I did something, but I swear if you keep ignoring me I’ll find you and trust me, I can. I have a cousin who is the world’s best hacker! Asshat.

There. Technically I didn’t lie, Leo can. He’s Alpha of the Sangue Pack and trust me, he’s as smart as Kat thinks he is. In fact, I’ve heard Dad say he’s become a prominent member of the council without even participating in the meetings in person.

I sigh, staring at my phone. He isn’t going to be online, he’s probably asleep.

Scrolling through my phone, I stare at Mama’s messages.


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