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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 16


An hour later she’s finished describing what she saw, and I am intrigued, because all we have ever seen is the plum eyes. It’s always so fast…

“Sounds like a huge snake… only there’s no snake of that calibre.” I muse, she’s proved helpful, and she’s intelligent. I like that.

“Yeah, and my claws didn’t make a dent.” She says, a frown on her face as she sits opposite me holding a mug of hot chocolate. I had settled for tea since she had limited options. I still do not know how she is staying out here in the middle of nowhere.


“So does Dad know about this?” She asks, her sharp eyes observing me.

And there we have it, always thinking the king needs to know it all. He isn’t the only one who's been protecting this country. “Yes, he does, as does the council, however, all we are seeing are people being killed by something that leaves no traces. Neither Arden Corporation nor Leo Rossi were able to identify the cause of death. Aside from the few who have been mauled. Even the witches have not found a source. It’s a bit of a mystery…”

She frowns. “I see… how long have these attacks been happening?”

“It’s been a few weeks, but we are trying and I’m certain this description you’ve given me will help greatly.”

“Will you make sure my name stays out of it?” She says, frowning slightly.

“You have my word, Princess.” I wink at her, and she smirks slightly, nodding. She’s wearing that green satin gown again but this time she did put on some panties… Her collarbones jut out, her breasts that are the perfect size for her build are rising and falling, the cleavage teasing me from the gap.

She clears her throat and I smirk. “Now that I know exactly what you offer, it’s rather hard to keep my eyes off you, do forgive me.”

She tilts her head. “Nothing to forgive. I wouldn’t mind doing this again sometime… no strings attached.”

No strings attached… that’s not the aim… but it’s a starting point…

“I like the sound of that.” I say, standing up, “Your number?”

“Want me to write it down for you, or will you remember it?” She questions teasingly as she stands up and approaches me. She’s seductive. The way she’s watching me now makes me want to pull her closer and maybe fuck her once more before I leave… but I think that’s enough for one night.

“I’m pretty good at remembering things, and when the number belongs to such a pretty girl, there’s no way that I will forget it.” I say.

“Alright, it’s 076…” She repeats her number, my gaze on those plump lips of hers as I just about register the eleven digits.

“Perfect.” I reply.

“Make sure you get someone to fix that window up first thing in the morning. I’ll head out now.”

“I will.” She replies, running her fingers through her hair.

“And get that checked out, too.” I say, glancing at the side of her breast. I had offered, but she had refused.

“I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” I say before I take my leave. She waits for a few seconds before she closes the door and I break into a run, shifting into my huge golden wolf when I’m out of sight of the cottage…


I return to the mansion and I had already minded linked ahead to have someone bring me some trousers. I pull them on before I enter.

“Welcome home, Master Aleric.” Charles says, bowing his head.

“Is Royce back?”

“Yes, Master Aleric, he is in the gym hall.”

“Thank you, Charles. I like the blazer.” I give him a smile as he thanks me and I make my way to the far end of the mansion.

“Aleric.” I stop in my tracks, turning to see Mother walk towards me. She’s wearing a floor-length silver nightgown, her brown hair open, and her blue eyes, which contain flecks of brown, are full of concern. “Is everything alright? Royce came home and Charlotte upset him, and he ended up shouting at her… did something happen?”

I sigh, pulling her into my arms. “I’m sorry on his behalf for causing you concern, Mother. I’ll have a word with him. There’s nothing you need to worry your pretty head over.”

“Please, if your father hears of this, it will only stress him even more. Royce listens to you.” She says, looking up at me.

Does he? Not entirely, not anymore.

“I will, I’ll go have a word with him now.” I say, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

She smiles, tilting her head, and I’m certain she’s caught Skyla’s scent. I’m glad I at least showered…

I simply give her a warm smile before I head towards the gym. Charlotte isn’t a concern here, since she loves to annoy him, knowing he’ll give her a reaction. But she is also the princess of this family. Being the youngest, she has been kept protected and always treated like an orchid, one you should always treat and handle with care.

I push the door open to the gym hall, the sleek floors and the countless machinery line the sides. I can hear his grunts as he duels it out with one of the punch bags, one of many, each one reinforced to withstand extreme impact, but even then… the floor is covered with the contents of three bags that have given way under his anger.

“Royce.” He has his earphones in but I know he can hear me, but still, he chooses to ignore me. “Alright, why are you so angry that you upset Charlotte?”

He stops, turning towards me with eyes that are raging with a burning anger. “She’s not a child and if she’s going to act like a brat, I’m going to tell her off. I warned her I’m not in the mood, end of discussion.”

I tilt my head and sigh. I wish he understood that it’s not that easy. All our lives I’ve been trying to take the force of our father’s demands, just so he doesn’t have to do what he clearly doesn’t want to. Sure, I haven’t always succeeded in accomplishing that, and he still has a lot of pressure on him, but I try my best because unlike him my moral compass isn’t as powerful as his… I can turn a blind eye to what is right to appease matters, especially if it means it’ll make it easier for others.

“Mother was awake. She doesn’t need the extra stress, Royce.” I say quietly.

He clenches his jaw, looking me over. “What took you so long?” He replies, ignoring my previous remark.

This is why he’s so angry.

“We were getting to know each other.” I reply. He clenches his jaw, turning away. “You need not worry; I know how to please a woman. I can assure you when the time comes and I claim her, she will be happy. You know I can protect her.”


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