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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 2


I glance at the clock, wondering why I’m sitting in my car on the outskirts of London, in Brent to be precise. I cock my brow as I look out of the window. The rain is pouring down again and it's only getting heavier.

“You better have a good reason for this.” I remark coldly through my earpiece, listening to the downpour outside.

“I do, but the rest is up to you.” His voice becomes serious, and I frown, glancing at the box that contains my healing serums.

“Dante… I’m assuming you can’t tell me what’s about to go down? You obviously want me to save someone.”

He sighs. “You’re right, I can’t say.” He sounds frustrated. “I hope I’m right…”

“Me too, I had plans.” I reply.

He had randomly contacted me an hour ago, saying to track a certain number and to follow them but stay hidden. I listened like a fucking pawn in this game he’s playing and I didn’t have my shit with me to check who exactly I’m tracking.

“I know, but thanks…”

“Alright, you fucking owe me.” I say.

“That makes two debts…” Dante murmurs.

I cock a brow. I’m not planning on calling on the first favour.

“Stop counting shit.”

He chuckles.

“Sure, I’ll leave you to it, Dad’s calling me to his office. He’s so damn pissed off.” He says.

“Isn’t he always?” I ask, lighting a cigarette.

“Very true…Think today took the cake.” He replies before hanging up, and I glance at the time again.

Come on…

I close my eyes for a moment, running my fingers through my hair when the sound of a gunshot reaches my ears and my eyes flash.

That’s got to be it.

Grabbing the box, I jump out of the car, rushing towards the sound. Several more gunshots sound in the air. They’re using a silencer but the shots are still pretty loud, especially for a werewolf.

Lightning flashes in the sky, and I feel a powerful dark aura surge in the sky, one I’ve come across before.

The serpent?

I thought it was dead.

What the fuck is going on?

Don’t tell me there’s another of those fucking things out there!

I run as fast as I can, my feet barely touching the ground, the box of injections in my hand, the thudding of my heart loud in my ears. The sound had come from the bridge.

What are you playing at, Dante? It’s got to be vital. For him to tell me to be here at this very moment in time.

‘You should always keep some of those healing shots on you Leo, who knows when someone might need them.’

Those were his words before he had me stake out here.

He’s playing a dangerous game, one that tells me comes with consequences. There are things he can’t say and things he tries to get around by being indirect with his words, but ultimately he’s playing with the Gods and that can only mean trouble.

Our actions always come with repercussions. I just hope he isn’t playing a game he cannot fucking escape.

My feet hit the bridge, the smell of blood filling my nose and I spot the two bodies lying in the rain on the bridge, but that dark aura has vanished.

I scan the area as I run over to the two bodies. Only one of the two is alive, and he’s bleeding out far worse than the one who is already dead. A faint crackle of electricity envelopes his body.

What the…

Crouching down, I snap open the freezer box, and pull out an injection, pulling off the lid.

His heartbeat is waning, and I inject him in the neck, cursing as the current that is wrapping his body sends an intense electric shock through me.

“Fucking hell.” I mutter, there’s no time to waste.


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