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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 30


I had grabbed a baggy cream knit top and pulled it over my crop top, pushing it back from my shoulders so it would cover my ass up, until Dad drops me at school, anyway. I’m sitting in the car, with my earPods in and tapping my foot to the beat of the music.

“Can we try to talk about this?” He says, looking over at me.

“No,” I say, glancing at him but refusing to switch my music off.

He sighs, frowning as he stares out ahead at the winding road. “You know we’re worried about you Sky. That’s why we’re here, to help you and fucking be there for you. It’s fine to struggle, it’s fine not to be fucking in control. It’s fine to let others see that.”

No, it’s not and I’m dealing... somewhat.

Mama had healed me, the pain of the poisons and the bite were gone, and I feel alive. Not sure if that’s a good thing, considering I might lose control faster.

“Fucking talk to me Sky.”

“You know what the problem is?” I say, taking my pods out and looking at Dad pointedly.

“I’m all fucking ears.” He replies, turning on the heating to clear the steam from the windshield.

I sigh, frustrated. “You’re being pushy. I’m fine, like I’m fucking fine. Can you like just stop getting in my business? I know you care for me, but seriously I’m doing ok. I’m trying to figure my shit out.”

He frowns, but I think he’s gotten the picture that no, I’m not going to share my issues.

He sighs but says nothing. I’m not sure if it’s because he doesn’t want to rile my Lycan up or if he genuinely accepted I’m not going to give in. Either way, I’m cool with it.

We fall silent, and Dad reaches over. Cupping the back of my head, he rubs it gently. Just the way he did when I was a kid… my chest constricts and tugs painfully, but I refuse to let him see that side…

“So, what’s going on between you and Arden?” He asks, ruffling my hair.

My heart skips a beat, but I try to remain as normal as possible. He sits back and I give him a mock glare as I shake my head, fixing my curls. Not that they were styled anyway.

“You were there. Didn’t you hear our conversation?” I ask, cocking a brow.

He glances at me, and I keep my face straight. He knows I know how good his hearing is and although I’m not sure if he heard or not, I’m going to pretend like he did.

“Not much considering the music and everyone else there…” He frowns.

I shrug casually. “Well, you know me. I like to get under others’ skin. I actually saw him at a club before I even knew he was my teacher, and we may have flirted.”

Dad’s eyes flash but I’ve never shied away from speaking about such things and with Mama and Dad they want us to be open with them, so Dad has to always suck it up. I smirk. However, even I’m not stupid enough to tell him everything that went down.

“That fucker we dined with?” Dad growls.

I nod. “Yeah, the very same handsome fucker. Anyway, when he realised I am his student, he became a fucking prude.”

Dad's frown eases up and he nods. “Good.” He glares ahead as we drive through the gates of the Academy, his knuckles white on the steering, and I know for a fact he’s dented the damn thing.

I smirk, see? I know how to play this game. “And then me being me finds great pleasure in trying to get a reaction from him. But he’s fucking boring.” I grumble, crossing my arms.

Dad nods, “That explains you two in the office.” He mutters.

My heart thuds, fuck… he heard that…

“Yeah, but you don’t need to worry. He’s too much of a goody-two-shoes to try anything.”

Unlike his brother…

Dad reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet.

“Yeah? Well, you know what I’m going to say Sky, stay away from him. He’s an Arden and as he said, he is your teacher. There’s a boundary there.” Dad warns seriously as the car pulls up outside the entrance to the main building. “Here, take what I owe you.” He grumbles.

I smirk as I nod slowly and snatch his wallet from him, raiding it.

Nice crispy notesies, all for mesies… Come to Mama my beauties…

“Yup, just as there were boundaries when a fellow Alpha sent his eighteen-year-old daughter to your pack to keep safe.” I counter, swiping the entire bundle of notes. I toss his empty wallet at him which he barely catches and quickly open the door before I jump out.

“Sky.” Dad growls.

I turn and smirk at him.

“Karma Daddy, Karma.” I wink at him, sticking my tongue out and grabbing my bag. I hear Malevolent stir, but she knows she’s safe with me. I slam the door shut before he can reply and saunter into school, chuckling as I look at the wad of notes.

Why the hell would you give me a wallet of money if you don’t want me to take it?


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