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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 37


Royce smiles faintly and I wonder what’s on his mind.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” He says to Leo, before turning to Azura. “You must be Luna Azura, it’s an honour.”

“Yes, in the flesh. Nice to meet you too.” Azura says, holding her hand out to him. He takes it, giving it a gentle squeeze before he lets go.

What a gentleman.

I can feel Azura’s huge eyes burning into me, and I turn my gaze to her. There’s a knowing look in her eyes and my stomach does a flip. I’m not that obvious, am I?

“I’m sorry to intrude, but I was unable to get through to you regarding your training session?” Royce says quietly, those smouldering grey eyes now on me.

Oh yeah, training…

I can still sense Azura's searing, unblinking gaze. That girl is some freaky shit, but I love her.

“I can’t do after school. I have detention.” I reply, shrugging casually.

“Detention...” His eyes flick to the open books in front of Leo and he cocks a brow. “Let’s hope you don’t get another one. After detention then, I’ll wait for you.”

“Ok.” I reply, nodding.

Damn Azura, look away!

Royce looks at Leo and Azura. “I do apologise. It’s good to meet you both.” He’s about to turn away when Leo speaks.

“No need to apologise, however, if you have some time after Lunch, could I borrow a little of your time?” Leo says.

Royce nods. “Time can’t be borrowed, but of course, I’m willing to give you some of mine.” He replies lightly.

“Oh, that was a lovely line. So poetic.” Kataleya exclaims as all eyes turn to her. She blushes, shrinking into her seat as she hides behind me a little.

“Yes, I can sense the romance in the air.” I add, gagging, trying to get the attention she hates, away from her.

“Don’t make me change my mind on this.” Leo says pointing with the back of the pen at the textbook.

Royce smirks, “I’ll see you later then.”

He says to Leo before he turns and walks off. I can’t help but glance at his back and that ass.

“Ahem.” Azura says and I quickly turn back, raising an eyebrow.

“What?” I frown.

“Nothing.” She says in a tone that says the exact opposite…

Well, it’s not like I’m not going to tell her later anyway, I just don’t want Leo to pick up on stuff. That man is smarter than Dad…


After lunch, Kataleya and Leo go off to discuss something with one of her professors and that gives me and Azura some time to talk.

I had handed my work to the math professor and kindly requested the period off since the Luna of the Sangue pack requested my company. He, of course, agreed happily and seemed satisfied with the work after a quick scan. I just hope since I'm new to his class, he won’t recognise the handwriting is different.

Azura and I are now down near the greenhouses. The place is deserted, and we are sitting on the low wall, with Malevolent in Azura’s lap as she strokes and scratches under her neck, making Malevolent purr happily.

I have my hands braced on the wall on either side, swinging my legs slowly.

“So, spill.” She says to me. “Who’s the sexy hunk?”

I look at her, knowing she had made sure we got this time alone and I’m grateful.

“Royce Arden, he’s the new trainer, remember. I’m sure you know that.” I reply pointedly,

“Yeah… Shame, the last one wasn’t as hot when I was here… would have been far more fun. But… I just didn’t realise he’s the same hunk on your mind.” She replies slyly, with a smirk.

Ok, she's got me there.

“One of many, actually.” I smirk, before I sigh. “It’s complicated.”

“Isn’t it always?” She replies, tilting her head, as Malevolent jumps into my lap.

I cuddle her and look over at Azura.

“Yeah, well, remember I told you about Reign? The guy online?” She nods as I continue. “Well, turns out he’s Royce’s brother Aleric, who I slept with before I knew that he was Reign. And then, I almost slept with Royce at the club before school started. We made out.”

She raises an eyebrow.

“Wow, you mean you have the hots for both twins, damn girl.”

“I don’t know Zu, I’m actually so confused. Like when I’m not with them, it’s Royce on my mind, or Reign… and Royce has totally helped me not be so hung up on waiting on Reign’s messages…”

“Yeah, I saw that chemistry in that tiny exchange that you both made sure was as casual as possible. I’m certain he’s into you.” She says, opening her bag and taking out a box of Lindt chocolates.

I smile, this reminds me of the old days, when we both would just eat snacks and talk.

I take one and open it, popping the whole thing into my mouth.

“I don’t know how into me he is because he’s a damn prude,” I say, brushing it off.

“Sure, deny it all you want. So, what’s the issue then, if Royce is the one on your mind? I actually think he’s a decent guy, not to mention how he helped us…” She says, her smile fading as she remembered that time.

“Hmm, he is, but when I’m in Aleric’s presence, there’s this odd pull, like I’m drawn to him. Although I don’t know what to make of him. I mean… Reign is so different from Aleric, or what I have seen of Aleric, aside from the fact he relates…”


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