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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 39


Azura’s words keep replaying in my mind as I trudge toward Aleric’s office.

My footsteps echo off the tiles.

With the rumours going around, I don’t think him choosing his office for detention is wise, and I don’t think I want those rumours to get to Dad.

Me and the professor I’m rumoured to be having an affair with alone in his office.

Hmm, office sex sounds hot, and I wouldn’t mind him showing me his dominant side by bending me over that desk of his…

I smirk. Regardless of if that sounds appealing or not, I don’t plan to get down and dirty with him. Not after that talk with Azura. That really has made me see reason.

The halls are empty as everyone is either in training, outdoors, or just chilling since school's out. They’re lucky to be doing whatever shit they want for the rest of the evening.

Then there’s poor me, heading to detention, without even a morsel of food to satiate the pang of hunger that fills my stomach. How sad.

Ok I’m not that hungry and we’re usually allowed to take food to detention, if it’s during lunch or after school, but I can’t bother.

It’s kinda weird knowing Kat’s gone… Azura’s gone, Song’s gone… There was a time the four of us would walk down these halls together. Now?

It’s just me.

Who would have thought I’d be the last one left here…

I break into a run, doing a cartwheel in the middle of the empty corridor before I turn the corner and come to an abrupt stop when I see Rivers walking down the hall towards me.

“Ah, Miss Rossi.” He says, his piercing eyes boring into me.

“Mr Rivers.” I reply emotionlessly, crossing my arms.

He looks around the empty halls, then back at me. “Why are you still here? Shouldn’t you be heading for training?”

“I have detention first.” I say.

His brows furrow. “Detention already, Miss Rossi, I am beginning to feel rather concerned with how this year has started. If Professor Arden didn’t stop me from talking to your father regarding the violence displayed against a teacher, I would immediately have had him come over.” He drones on.

Please, violence displayed against a teacher?

Who even says that?

Dumb Rivers, that’s who.

“Hm.” I respond, faking a yawn.

Something that does not go unnoticed by him. “Perhaps you need to see a therapist for your issues, Miss Rossi.”

I freeze as I stare at him, my eyes flashing.



I do not need a fucking therapist.

“Get out of my sight before I display further violence against a teacher.” I snarl, my eyes blazing.

“I am your headmaster, Miss Rossi!”

“And I care why?” I growl, feeling my anger rising.

The thought of Royce makes me fight my irritation, but my heart is still pounding as I glare at him.

He cowers back, his face paling, and he swallows hard. His eyes once again scanning the halls, fear clear in his eyes.

He’s scared of me, I bet if he had the choice, he wouldn’t even let me remain at the school…

“Your behaviour will not be tolerated, Miss Rossi.” He warns before he turns and strides away.

My eyes return to normal, and I watch him walk away, my gaze burning into his back.

I scoff as I see him trying not to rush, but he’s fucking oozing fear.

Yeah, run with your damn tail between your legs, bloody wuss.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I turn and continue on my way to Aleric’s office.

I don’t need a therapist. I do not have fucking issues!

I knock on the door, harder than I meant to, the sound echoing in the silent hallway.

“Come on in.” Aleric’s voice says.

I push open the door to see him sitting in his seat. The smell of smoke is strong in here.

“Something get burned?” I ask, cocking a brow. The windows are open, and he frowns slightly.

“Yes, come on in, take a seat.”

I cock a brow, seeing his office chair is missing.

I sit down in one of the two chairs opposite his desk and Aleric picks up two Styrofoam cups and passes one to me. “Here, I know you like hot chocolate with extra sugar and plenty of cream.” He gives me a wink and I nod.

Sure, he does, Reign knows that.

“Thanks.” I say, feeling my mood lift a little as I take the cup from him.

Our eyes meet before he looks down at his own cup.

“Bad day?” He asks me as he takes the seat opposite me.

If this is meant to be detention, it sure doesn’t feel like it at the moment.

I take a sip of the scalding hot, hot chocolate, enjoying the burning liquid pouring down my throat.


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