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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 51


“Give me a minute, I need to check if my sister is alright.” I say, knowing I sound cold, but I need a moment, turning I leave the room.

Prescott is pacing the hall, but I can tell he’s mind linking. He’s frowning, and I can sense his worry. He sighs and runs his fingers through his beard.

“Has my sister arrived yet?” I ask him when he finally turns to me.

“She’s on her way. The two bodies have been collected and the king ordered them to be brought here…” He hesitates.

There’s something different in his behaviour. He’s different from the panicked Alpha I had seen when I came in. He looks almost uneasy.

“What is it?” I ask, frowning.

“There’s… there was no sign of this apparent monster, Alpha Arden.” He says quietly.

I frown as I look up at him sharply. “What do you mean there was no sign of the body? I killed it. It was there.”

“Ah yes… you did say that… but there is nothing in the woods.” He huffs, shaking his head. “However, my men have brought Skyla Rossi’s car and cat here for the time being, until the King gives us further instructions. But your story is… intriguing.”


I shake my head. Maybe it did disappear, but there were clear signs of mass destruction.

“There was blood everywhere. The entire area in the woods was destroyed, so many trees were ripped up and the bodies of two young girls were found. That is enough proof that the unseen monster was there. Your men saw that at least, correct?” I ask.

He shakes his head slowly. “No, I have no idea what part of the woods you mean, Alpha Royce. As for these bodies, that is all there was. Just two girls murdered.” There’s a suspicious look in his eyes and I frown.


What is he insinuating?

“Yes, perhaps someone did this…”

My heart thuds. What is going on?

“She’s been poisoned… is that not proof enough?”

“By a venom that the Ardens possess, your father, Alpha Kenneth, was adamant to attain that venom from past attacks, to perform some tests on.” A second voice says from behind me. I turn and look at the head warrior of the Luminaria pack.

To create an anti-venom, exactly what I used on Skyla.

“Care to explain?” Prescott asks.

I shake my head. A few loose strands of my makeshift bun fall in front of my forehead.

“When people have their minds made up, you can declare the truth or present proof, but they will not listen. The small-minded will still believe and stick to the first version of the story they heard.”

He looks offended at my words, but I really am not in the mood.

There’s a lot more I want to say but I bite my tongue. If they are so untrusting of us, why even let Dad on the council?

I know the answer… They had needed the investment from the Arden Empire for the startup of the academies… it was a business deal. Everyone is the same in the end...

“Are you insinuating that we are small-minded Alpha Royce?”

“No, I was talking about the chickens in your pen,” I reply sarcastically.

He looks confused, and I internally roll my eyes.

What a bloody idiot.

“I have nothing more to say. I will take my sister and take my leave. Thank you for being understanding and allowing me to bring the princess here.”

“Not so fast.” Alejandro’s cold voice comes from behind me, fuck I didn’t even notice when he opened the door.

I’m about to turn to him when I’m called.


I turn to see a shivering Charlotte running down the hallway, a look of worry and panic on her face, and she’s soaked. Her hair sticks to her face as she rubs her arms, trying to keep herself warm.

That’s not how I’m used to seeing her, and I hate seeing her like that.

She reaches me, and I pull her close, hugging her tightly.

“Royce, it’s gone! The snake is gone!” Her heart is pounding as she looks up at me.

I frown, looking down at her.

“Don’t worry, it’s going to be fine.” I say, kissing her forehead. I draw some of the water off her, but I can’t do much, not when there’s an audience. “Can we get some dry clothes for her?” I ask Prescott.

I don’t want her to get ill, until she shifts, she can catch common illnesses.

“Of course.” He says, and I’m grateful he isn’t punishing Charlotte, despite his suspicion towards me.

“Let’s step back inside and talk.” Alejandro says.

That’s a clear command.

Just then a nurse hurries over with a towel and some hospital scrubs for Charlotte. I Guess Prescott's mind linked someone fast.

Charlotte’s eyebrow cocks up at the sight of them, but she accepts them.

“Thank you.” She says politely, but I don’t think she’ll be putting them on.

Looking back at Alejandro, I give a small nod.

Best we get this over with.

Taking a silent, steady breath, I step back into the room where the women have somehow got Sky into a hospital gown. The sheets are changed, and her hair is completely dry.

Her scent is soothing, but relief floods me when I hear her steady breathing.

She’s alright… Thank god, fuck she scared me…

Alejandro closes the door after us and Charlotte moves away from me as she begins to towel dry her hair, shivering.

“Would you like me to dry you?” Delsanra asks her.

“Uh no, I know how to use a towel.” Charlotte says, tossing her wet hair over her shoulder.

Delsanra smiles. “I meant with a little magic like I used on Skyla.” She says, pointing to the bed.

Now that made sense.

“Oh sure, I hate feeling so sticky and wet.” Charlotte scrunches her nose, placing the towel and clothes down.

Kiara smiles gently from where she’s sitting on the chair, looking exhausted as she holds her daughter’s hand.

Delsanra mutters something before Charlotte’s clothes and hair become dry within seconds.


“Oh wow, thank you.” Charlotte says, running her fingers through her hair.

“What would you like to talk about?” I ask Alejandro.

It’s hard being in the same room as Skyla and keeping my distance.

“What exactly happened that sent Skyla to death’s door?” Alejandro asks, his eyes glimmering red as his aura fills the room.


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