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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 64


He kisses me back with equal hunger and passion, but even as he reciprocates, his self-control is impressive.

He throbs against me, yet despite the intense desire that I know courses through him, he’s still kissing me like I’m something he wants to worship and treasure.

Each caress of his tongue, each brush of his lips and each touch hold so much more, making my core knot in a pleasure that is so different.

He makes me weak in the knees.

His hands run down my ass and thighs as if memorising the feel of my skin.

I love how well I fit in his hands, and how his fingers feel on my skin.

Royce may be ice, but he’s hotter than the Sahara.

And when he brushes his knuckles up my legs, the temperature rises faster than you can count to three.


I can’t think straight. I kiss him harder, plunging my tongue into his mouth, but even when I’m being so rough and demanding, feeling horny as hell, he still holds control over me.

He meets my every move, sucking on my tongue before caressing it with his own.

My own hands roam his sexy body, my nails scraping down his firm chest and chiselled abs, wanting to leave my mark.

I’m so fucking glad he isn’t wearing a shirt, because if he was, it would be on the floor, in fucking shreds.

My core clenches as I grind against him, sucking in my stomach the moment his fingers brush my taut abs.

“Fuck…” I whisper, he doesn’t stop, his knuckles brushing up the centre of my stomach and travelling higher.

My nipples are stiff, begging to be touched, but he doesn’t, continuing his path up between my breasts ever so teasingly.

“You… are… a work of art… breath-taking and beautiful, Love.” He says, breaking away from my lips. He kisses my jaw ever so tantalisingly.

I sigh as pleasure consumes me. His hand wraps around my throat, and I bite my lip as sinful pleasure courses through me.

His touch isn’t rough, but neither is it gentle. It’s firm, but teasing, sensual, yet confident. He knows me and he’s claiming me.

A moan escapes me when his lips meet the corner of my neck. His scent is an added drug that consumes me entirely.

It’s crazy how he plays my body…

Knowing what pleases me…

Another kiss follows, and it sends a shiver of pleasure through me. I’m so turned on and we haven’t even fucked.

He hasn’t touched my breasts, nor has he touched my pussy, and yet I’m already aching for more.

Royce doesn’t just fuck, he pleasures… and he’s a master at it.

I wrap my hand around his wrist, holding his arm against me. My eyes flutter as he continues to kiss me sensually along my neck. His other hand slips under the back of my top, his fingers caressing my bare skin.

“You’re fucking sexy…” He murmurs, kissing my shoulder.

I tug his head up, claiming his lips once again as his cock throbs against me.

“And you’re hard.” I whisper, pulling back and kissing him with passion along his jaw and neck.

I run my tongue along his neck, satisfied when a low groan he tries to silence escapes him.

“Of course, I am, Love.” He whispers.

His hand tightens on my throat slightly.

The other hand that was teasing the hem of my top now runs back down my ass, squeezing it before it slips under my skirt and curls around my ass cheek as he kneads it.

Yes, Daddy…

He delivers a light tap that I’m not expecting.

“Fuck!” I whimper as his fingers graze my thighs, tantalisingly brushing between my legs.

I’m soaking wet for him, my pussy throbbing with a thirst that only he can quench and when his fingers brush my panties, tugging on them as they pull between my ass cheeks, I bite my tongue trying not to cry out when all I want to do is spread my legs.

I can feel his hard shaft through his sweatpants, and I can hear his racing heart despite my own moans.

He nibbles and bites my lower lip as his fingers tantalise me yet refusing to touch me where I crave him the most.

I want him. Now.

“Fuck me now.” I moan, grinding against his hard cock sensually as I twist my fingers into his locks. “I want you buried inside me,”

His blazing blue eyes meet mine for a moment.

Fuck, he looks so fucking sexy turned on and sizzling.

“Not today, Love.” He murmurs, shocking me.

I freeze, staring down at him, my eyes blazing plum.

“Why not?” I ask, as he kisses my neck. “I’m not a virgin, My Sexy Ice Prince. Trust me, I’m ready for anything. I’ve fucked before.”

He knows this stuff; he kisses my lips harder before he forces himself back.

There’s an animalistic glint in his eyes as our eyes meet and he touches his forehead to mine.

We are both breathing hard, and he brushes his thumb over my plump lips.


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