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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 66


My heart clenches wondering why she didn’t come forward. Her friends died, and she didn’t care to even speak up or even pretend to care?

Like why?

I wonder what their families are going through.

“Is that her?” Royce asks, leaning down, his shoulder brushing the back of my shoulder.

He can see from afar, but having him move closer is comforting. Something I need…

I nod, glancing at him, as he crouches down beside the chair I’m sitting on.

“Can you call for her, Headmaster?” He says, his eyes cold as he looks at Rivers.

Rivers nods as he glances at the girl’s image before he turns.

“Ah, of course… I will… she has been in school… for her not to say anything is troubling….” He mutters.

“Maybe yeah… but we’ll fucking find out why.” Dad says, completely ignoring the no-smoking policy of the school as he lights up a cigarette.

Rivers excuses himself from the room. The door shuts behind him and I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

“I’m assuming you shifted, and she saw you?” Dad remarks.

I nod.

“Obviously, I had to give it my all.” I mutter, closing my eyes as the pressure in my mind increases.

“That’s fucking understandable.” Dad says, smoking his cigarette.

Royce cups the back of my neck, his thumb caressing my cheek, and I lean into his touch.

“I just don’t get why she didn’t come forward. I specifically told her to call for help. To make a call, I told them both, but…” I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. “I just don’t get how anyone can leave anyone else behind. Wouldn’t you give your all to help others?”

“Not everyone thinks the same way. Survival instincts… Can make one selfish… She probably thought saving herself would guarantee her life more than if she saved the other girl.” Dad says quietly.

I can hear the guilt in his voice, and I know it’s because of what happened when we were children.

A long time ago, we were attacked, and Kataleya was kidnapped… to save Dante and me, Dad had to let her go and until this day he feels guilty about it… He had to turn his back on her so me and Dante could live, a choice no father should have to face.

“Yes… but this was just about herself… I don’t know, I’ll never get not putting others first.” I mutter. “And I’m not even a nice person.”

“Yeah right.” Royce says, amused. “You just like to say that. We know you would risk anything for others and you did.”

Our eyes meet, my heart pounding as I try to squash the turmoil of emotions in my chest.

Leaning forward, I press my forehead to his for a second, taking a deep breath and inhaling his intoxicating scent. His hand wraps around mine before he kisses my cheek softly.

“You did your best, you risked your life for them, and you almost died. This is not on you.” He says quietly.

I nod, before I hear footsteps and move back.

I glance at Dad, but despite him watching us with those sharp eyes; he says nothing, his face unreadable.

Royce lets go of me smoothly just as the door opens and Rivers enters with the girl from the woods.

She scans the room, looking a little fidgety before she pales upon seeing Dad and me and takes a step back.

“It’s ok Heather, we just want to talk to you about the attack in the woods… Why didn’t you come forward?” Rivers asks her gently.

Her heart is thundering as she stares at us, all staying glued to the entrance.

“She did it! She killed them!” She shouts suddenly.

“What?” My eyes fly open in surprise.

Dad frowns as both he and Royce look up sharply.

I stare at Heather, trying to understand how she even put me in that situation.

“You… you were the one in the woods! You’re the one who killed them… Please don’t kill me, I won’t tell anyone… please…”

“I was trying to protect you? The fuck?” I ask, my gaze snaps to Rivers who, to my fucking irritation, looks uneasy.

Heather looks between Dad and me, almost as if terrified of being killed.

“No one will hurt you for speaking up.” Rivers says quietly.

Wait, is he believing this shit?

“There was nothing else there!” She cries. “You changed into a monster…”

She backs out the door, her heart thumping before she turns and runs.

“This is serious Alpha Alejandro, if the coven hears of this-”

“It’s fucking lies! My daughter is not a killer?” Dad snarls, standing up.


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