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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 7

My heart races in my chest. It’s only for a few seconds before his eyes look away and he continues to skim the classroom, but the fleeting recognition didn’t pass me, making his jaw clench.

He turns his attention to the class like he didn’t have his fingers inside me the other night, or recognize me for that matter.

“Everyone warm up, and then I’ll be pairing you off.” He says coldly, turning away and walking to the side.

I’ve already warmed up, but I still do some stretches trying to collect my racing thoughts.

Royce Arden… fuck why didn’t I recognise him? I mean, I haven’t seen him, but I’ve seen his father. Blond hair, and light eyes, he has his dad’s damn jaw too. Fuck!

Way to start the school year Sky.

In the last few minutes of us doing our stretches, I feel his aura, only it isn’t the dominant calm one from the other night. His aura is menacing and I glance over my shoulder to look at him, his arms are folded over his broad chest.

A chest I’ve run my hands down, one I felt pressed against mine.

His eyes flick to mine, yet instead of lust filling his grey eyes, I see disgust and anger. Quickly averting my gaze, I drop my head when he claps his hands loudly and blows a whistle with his fingers.

“Line up!” He commands and everyone is quick to get into formation.

“Alright, Natalie Alston and Kyla Boulder pair up, Oliver McAllister and Jasper Arlo. Daphne Summers and Alia Akhtar!” Royce begins to pair everyone up. I zone out until I hear my own name. “Skyla Rossi, you’re with me.”

Silence falls and I feel as if it’s written all over me that I’m guilty of something, well maybe I am… since last year… they all see me as guilty for losing my shit.

They cast judgemental looks at me. Him pairing with me makes it obvious that I’m not safe around other students. Ah, the attention I get, only it’s usually for the wrong reasons.

I stand up and walk to the front. I raise my eyebrow at him, only for his brow to crease, his gaze flicks to my tattoo and for a split-second he pauses before he steps back, refusing to look at me.

“You’re paired with Nicklaus.” He says. “Hayden, you’re with me.”

Wow, so now he knows who I am. He’s going to pretend he doesn’t recognize me, and it never happened? Fine.

“Alright, those on the left are on defence! Start with the basics.” He commands.

Defence… I hate defence. Nicklaus smirks cockily, yet he should know better. I could kick his ass without breaking a damn sweat. He sizes me up, his eyes lingering on my chest a little too long, and his tongue trails over his bottom lip.

“Looks like someone won’t be the teacher’s pet.” He murmurs quietly as he laughs, slamming his shoulder into me as he passes.

Pressing my lips in a line to reply, I turn to find Royce watching me again. His eyes give me a disapproving look, and I fall into a stance, turning my attention to Nicklaus and trying to focus on him rather than Royce. Nick is the future Alpha of a pack up north, a pack close to the Black Storm Pack, which belongs to my cousins.

He doesn’t hold back, attacking me with everything he has, but I keep up with ease. He growls, annoyed when he can’t touch me, and instead of using his hands he all but tackles me. Everyone knows I’m the best in this class and instead of just accepting it, he’s still going to try to play dirty.

His arms lock around my chest, and he turns us. My eyes fly open when his hand grabs my breast harshly, he pinches my nipple as I fight to remain standing against his heavyweight.

“Despite the name, you’re just a typical she-wolf who would fall to her knees for an alpha,” He whispers in my ear, twisting harder.

Like fuck, I will never fall to my knees before a mutt like him!

Is he forgetting who I am?

“Bitch please.” I scoff.

I’ve had the best training. I’m faster than the average werewolf, stronger… and smarter.

I smirk as I twist and duck out from under his arms and slam my fist into his torso. He grunts, staggering back. He lunges at me and I dodge so fast that Nick stumbles, his huge body tumbles face forward into the ground.

“Oops. I know you didn’t get much action during the holidays, Nick. But I don’t play with boys, so there is no need to beg at my feet,” I tease, smirking as he clambers to his feet, humiliated. His face tinges red.

He growls, turning and glaring at me.

“A slut isn’t worth my time! We all know how often you spread your legs! I certainly wouldn’t be chasing tail from the likes of you!”

“Yet you have no issues trying to feel me up!” I hiss, grabbing him by the neck.

His eyes flicker dangerously, as his anger grows from the humiliation.


Those close by are beginning to watch.

“I have no issues showing a mutt like you his place. But you already know, I mean you were just there on your knees where you belong, only moments ago.” I snarl lowly, and his hands ball up into fists.

“Watch it!” He snarls, his eyes blazing orange as he manages to shove me off, but I dig my nails into his neck.

“Hey, what’s going on!” Royce shouts as he comes over just as Nick is about to launch himself at me, blocking him.

“She’s meant to be on defence. Look what she did! On top of that, she’s not taking it seriously!” Nick growls as Royce lets go of him.

I admire my nails and cross my arms. “I am, I mean, if I take it any more seriously, his ego might get hurt. Can’t have that deflate. People will see how pathetic he is without him telling them otherwise!” I taunt.

A thundering roar rips through the hall and Nick launches himself at me. I’m ready for him, but Royce blocks him again.


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