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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin novel Chapter 76


He only lets me appreciate that view for a moment before he has me up on my knees against him. I gasp in pleasure as his lips crash against mine, his hands travelling over my body, faster and rougher.

I whimper as his hands squeeze my ass before he turns me in his arms.

His hands squeeze my breasts from behind, making me moan loudly. I rest my head against him as he twists my nipples, kissing and sucking on my neck hard.

Pleasure is consuming me, and I tilt my head, giving him better access to my neck as he continues his assault.

“That’s it.” I whisper, his hands running down my stomach, and this time, his hand slips into my panties.

I part my legs, hoping and silently begging to be touched, and this time he doesn’t disappoint.

I cry out, swearing as his fingers part my lips and he finds my clit, sending a sensational jolt of pleasure through me.

“Tell me Love… do you like to be teased slow and steady….” He murmurs, his finger tantalisingly rubbing circles along my clit, making me moan loudly. “Or… fucked hard.”

Suddenly, two fingers slam into my soaking pussy, and I cry out as he begins fucking me hard and fast with them.

“Fuck!” I curse, gripping his wrist, his other hand squeezing my breast, and I place my hand on top of his. He sucks harder on my neck. The pain and pleasure are dizzying and I’m so fucking close to my release.

This pleasure is driving me fucking nuts.

“That’s it Baby… that’s it!”

I’m so fucking close, but just as I feel the pressure beginning to reach its climax, he pulls his soaking fingers out rubbing my clit painstakingly slow.

I whimper as his tongue runs up my neck, flicking and sucking my ear.

“Royce…” I murmur, not sure what I want to say.

He speeds up his assault on my clit.

“Now you didn’t answer that question, Love.” He breathes huskily into my ear.


How do I choose when both make me crazy?

I press myself back against him, reaching behind me and running my hand along his cock.

“Fuck that’s it.” I breathe, feeling the pressure rising, only for him to slow down and run his fingers along my pussy instead. “Fuck!” I growl.

“Want me to make you cum, My Beautiful Goddess?” he teases seductively.

I turn my head, my heart thumping from how close to my release I was.

“Yes.” I say, sounding damn horny and I don’t care. My eyes flash before I turn my head, looking into those gorgeous grey eyes.

He licks his lush lips slowly and I realise I know exactly how I want him to make me come…

In a flash, I turn, push him down onto his back, and straddle his face, tangling my hand into his hair.

“I do, and I want you to make me come with that tongue of yours.” I command, staring down at him.

There’s amusement and hunger in those eyes as he yanks at my thong from behind, pulling it harder between my cheeks before, with one rough pull, he tears them off me, leaving a sharp sting in its wake and tosses them aside.

“With absolute pleasure.” He answers roughly, and then he plunges his tongue into my pussy.

I cry out in pleasure as he begins fucking eating me out like a beast starved and fuck, does he eat pussy good.

I’m screaming in pleasure, and I gasp when I feel his fingers enter me, his tongue moving to my clit.

Suddenly there’s something cold inside of me, I tense but the pleasure is too much to care what it is.

I grip the headboard behind him as I grind myself against his face, as his fingers fuck me and that’s when I realise there’s a casing of smooth ice wrapped around them stretching me out and hitting my G-spot hard as his tongue mercilessly flicks and twirls around my clit.

Assaulting me with delicious pleasure.

Every thrust of his ice encased fingers, hits my core, the heat of my pussy melting the ice and he allows it, the water mixes with my juices which are trickling out of me, and down my inner thighs and I don’t fucking care, wanting to cover him with them.


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