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The Lycan's Revengeful Rejected Mate (Katherine) novel Chapter 18


My eyes kept scanning the papers on the bed, and I couldn't help but scoff aloud most times. Jane was despicably evil, a monster without a heart and everything wicked in the world. I couldn't believe my step sister was this kind of a person, but now, it wasn't hard to believe that she was.

The Alpha king and my children weren't her first kill. She had murdered a friend in her high school days all because of a guy too and was able to get away with it. I had no idea how Leo had gotten a grasp of everything about Jane, but now that I knew who the hell she was, I had to be really careful in dealing with her.

I dropped the paper I was holding and moved to the next one. As I was staring at it, a knock was rasped on my door, and I heaved deeply. "Come in." The door opened afterwards and Leo walked in with his hands tucked into his pocket,

"Hey, how do you feel? Are you alright?" He questioned, taking steps towards me. I averted my gaze to him and nodded my head, "I'm fine. If I may ask, how did you get all of this about Jane?"

"It wasn't so hard finding whatever I wanted to find out about your stepsister, but she really did well in covering her tracks on the death of Zane's father."

A frown plastered on my face immediately I heard that and it made me recall begging Zane that I wasn't the monster who killed his father. Leo took a seat on the bed beside me,

"But Blake is working on it. She's going to be exposed soon, and you can prove your innocence to everyone out there."

I nodded my head. I couldn't wait for that to happen, and to see Jane go through what I had gone through. "Thank you. I really don't know how to thank you better enough, Leo."

"If you're ready tomorrow, I can't take you to the company. You want to pay your ex mate back? Then let's start from there. We'll only do it if you agree to it."

"I want that. He deserves absolutely nothing but pain, and I would never hold back from giving him that." I responded, and averted my gaze back to the papers that were laying beside me. I had to be certain that Zane and Jane would never see whatever I had for them coming, especially Jane.

"Get ready, we need to get you some new things to get you prepared for tomorrow. I'll be downstairs waiting for you." He rose to his feet and began to walk out of my room while I watched till the door was shut. I took a deep breath in and rose to my feet realizing that now was no longer the time to sulk, but take actions if I wanted to prove my innocence.

It took me thirty minutes to get prepared and hurry down the stairs. Leo was seated on the couch waiting for me, and the moment my legs touch the last step, he cocked his head back to stare at me, and rose to his feet,

"I'm ready." I uttered.

"Shall we?" He responded and outstretched his hand for me to take. As I placed my hand on his, we began to walk out of the living room, heading towards the car that was parked outside. I got in first, followed by Leo who came in afterwards.

The drive took about an hour and for the first time, I got to see a few places around the moon shadow pack. The car halted right in front of a huge mall, like one I had never seen before. This was nothing like the blue crest pack because this time, it was ten times bigger and beautiful. I gasped, hearing Leo's voice from behind me,

"Wait till you see the inside. Let's go in." His words made my ear wiggle a bit and I cocked my head back immediately. A guard had earlier walked into the mall before us. As I walked sideways with Leo, so many people were rushing out of the mall and some that walked past us all cocked their heads at him.

"What's happening?"

"You'll see." He uttered and we both continued to walk in. By the time we were in, everywhere was empty leaving only three ladies in matching clothes. It was at that moment I realized that Leo's presence had made the mall empty with people.


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