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The Lycan's Revengeful Rejected Mate (Katherine) novel Chapter 22


"You're awake."

My eyes flung open immediately I saw the figure so close to me, and I almost yelled out loud for help, "Take it easy, you're fine Katherine." She uttered, but I arched my brows surprisingly at her. How did she even know my name?

"Who are you? Where am I? I thought I…"

It suddenly dawned on me that the last name I had called before passing out was Leo's.

"Where's Leo?"

"Take it easy, Kath, you really need to breathe in and out first before asking further questions."

"Who are you?"

"That's right, one at a time." She responded with a smile widely outstretched on her lips, but I didn't return the smile. At least I would if I knew who exactly she was. She suddenly outstretched her hand towards me for an introductory handshake, and it took me a few seconds to reciprocate,

"I'm Tanya, and here's my wolf, Tamia." Her eyes changed their colors to gold with a mixture of brownish green, and I couldn't help but gasp in shock,

"Oh my goodness, what kind of wolf is she? She's nothing like I've ever seen before." I had no idea when I gave a response, and it made her chuckle,

"Do you wanna see her?"

Out of curiosity, I nodded my head, and she rose to her feet. "Can you stand, or do you need help?"

"I'll stand," I uttered and slowly rose to my feet. She took me towards the mirror and stood in front. Right there, her wolf suddenly appeared, and I gasped even louder,

Her furs were almost the colors of her eyes, but this time overshadowed with golden colors, and even more beautiful than I had imagined it to be when I first saw her eyes,

"Tamia says hi to you, Katherine. She likes you already." Tanya uttered and turned sideways to face me. Her eyes had changed back to normal, but her smile had not faded.

"How did you even know my name?"

"Aren't you my brother's mate?" She responded so sharply and took a few steps away from me, and when I turned to stare at her, the door opened revealing Leo at the entrance. As soon as he spotted me, he ran towards me and pulled me into a tight embrace worriedly, but I groaned a little in pain,

"When did you wake? How do you feel? Is it all gone from your system?"

I knew he was talking about the wolfsbane, so I nodded my head. "It is. Thank you for saving me. Your si…" I watched as Tanya shook her head in negation just as I was about to talk to Leo about her, and I immediately kept quiet as I knew that was what she was trying to tell me. Because of this, Leo turned around to stare at her,

"What are you doing here Tanya?" He questioned coldly, and it made me wonder if he had a good relationship with his sister.

"To see if she was awake. I knew she was going to be awake by this time so I came in earlier."


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