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The Lycan's Revengeful Rejected Mate (Katherine) novel Chapter 35

Chapter 35 


I couldn’t believe Zane had saved me! Why

He wanted me dead so why the hell did he save me

Zane! Wake up! Wake up!I kept asking myself if it was because he had already found out the truth. I wasn’t planning on forgiving him, but I still wanted him to know the truth. I’d do anything for Zane to find out that I was innocent the entire time

The rogues began coming towards me as I kept crying for Zane to wake up. It was obvious this wasn’t his plan and he had no idea they were following him. I sniffled and looked around me so I could find any sharp objects around

The first thing my eyes caught was a small broken glass on the floor and I picked it up without wasting further time. You have to find me, please,” I said inwardly and tore my palm with it. I didn’t bother wincing in pain so I wouldn’t attract attention from the rogues on what I was doing. I clasped my palm tight so enough blood could gush out and when it did, two of the rogues picked me up from the floor

Take her towards the car and hurry.” With his tone, I was quick to notice he was their leader

I was being dragged by two rogues, but I didn’t fight back because it would be in vain. Instead, I felt drops of my blood touch the ground till we all got to the car which was parked a few meters away from here

Deep down, I was worried about Zane. Was he dead already? At first, I had thought this would be Jane, but she wouldn’t want to hurt Zane, so who else would want me dead

I was forced into the car, and I bit my lower lips, wondering how Leo would follow the trail of my blood if he found this place. I took a deep breath in and decided to stop trying. The car engine was ignited, and it drove away

After about 30 minutes at full speed, the car halted, and I shut my eyes to take a deep breath and say a quick prayer. Step out of the car. I heard a deep baritone voice say from outside making me open my eyes in fear. Just as he had instructed, I stepped out of the car, and someone pulled me closer to their chest

It’s such a waste.He uttered to me, staring into my eyes, and the expression on his face triggered a sense of irritation in me as I stared back at him. There was an ugly scar on his left eye, and he had one too on his forehead. He held my chin, and traced a finger on my lips, making me cock my head sideways in a hurry

Stay still. You’re extremely beautiful.” 

His hand forced my chin up to look at him, but we both heard a voice behind me

Let her go!He commanded, and before I turned away, I saw the fear in the man’s eyes before looking away. Why the hell did the second voice seem so familiar? When the first man let go of me, I turned to face the second man who had ordered my release, but disappointment ravaged my face when I saw him in a mask

Come with me.” He uttered

I stood still for a second and began to trail behind him till we got to a garage. Where are you taking me too? Who sent you? Was it Jane 

You’re in no position to ask me any questions lady. His voice was so cold as he responded to me and opened the Go in.He said




Since I didn’t have any choice, I stepped in and he shut the door. More rogues were inside, and the moment they spotted me. one of them came toward me and pulled my arms. His grip on my arm was so painful, but no matter how much I wince in pain, he kept dragging me with force

Let me go, please,” I begged when I saw the rope, and a wooden chair right in front of me, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. He forced me on the chair and tied me up like I was some sort of animal. Be good.He uttered before walking away, and a tear rolled down my eyes

Long time, sister!I heard Jane’s voice before she stepped out of the dark corner she was in. The smile on her face made me recall the hurtful memories of what she had done to me. It was the same

You bitch! I guess you became softhearted all of a sudden. You could have just killed me before bringing me here. That would be way better than seeing your miserable face I yelled in anger, but she only laughed at my words

Think clearly, Katherine, who’s the miserable one here. You’re the one seated on a wooden chair all tied up and thinking about your miserable past. The memories of that night still play vividly in your head, doesn’t it?” 


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