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The Lycan's Revengeful Rejected Mate (Katherine) novel Chapter 5



This is the pack where my mate calls my name, and calls for help. A pack that distance from my own pack had my mate suffering and chained to the walls. I could feel her weak heart, but I had no idea where I needed to go to find this strange lady that kept calling for my help or where she was.

''Blake, are you certain this is the right place?'' I questioned my beta when I suddenly stopped feeling her energy.

''If the descriptions in your vision are correct, then we're definitely in the right place, Alpha.'' He replied, halting the car. I instructed him to announce our presence so he stepped out of the car before me, while I kept looking around. It didn't take long for him to return informing me that everything had been taken care of and I could go in. Although this wasn't the plan, I was doing this for her because I wanted to know who she was.

When Zane arrived, my beta did the talking while I stood back waiting for the expression on his face. I have absolutely nothing to do with this pack and so I was prepared to leave as soon as I found her. "Please come in." Zane uttered.

As soon as we got in, I was given a seat. About an hour later, I shut my eyes slowly waiting to hear her voice again, but I couldn't. It was more like I could no longer feel her weak energy no matter how hard I tried to concentrate. I curled my hands into fist, slowly losing my patience until I heard a voice inside my head. "PLEASE HELP ME."

"Blake, its her!" I rose to my feet, and nodded at my beta because he knew what to do. It wasn't so hard leaving the hall because for a quick moment, I could stop the clock from ticking like usual. I was unusually fast.


I took down the last one, letting him fall to the floor as I released my claws from his neck. As I walked, her presence was only becoming stronger. For the first time in a very long time, I could feel my heart thumping so hard. I could control all other things, but definitely not this. It felt like she was in control of me. I walked further until I was st Charlesanding right in front of her dungeon. For a splitting second, I desperately wanted to find out who kept my mate in this condition and tear them into multiple pieces. I couldn't move further as much as I badly wanted to walk in there and break those fucking chains from her body because I was scared she might wake.


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