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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 14

CHAPTER 14: The Unexpected Question

THE NEXT MORNING, Lilian's brows furrowed as soon as she opened her eyes. The whole surrounding was so new to her. It was all... new and peaceful.

That's when she finally realized that she's not in her old house anymore.

The bed is too comfortable for her. She could smell the faint smell of the fragrant flower at the veranda making her smile a bit. It was a nice morning because her body is fine now, it wasn't aching anymore. She can now move freely without flinching, it must be because her wounds are all healed now.

Lilian got up from the bed the moment she heard a knock outside the room. Quickly, she opened it and saw Maya, one of the helpers in the old mansion with another two women. They are all smiling at her.

"Good morning, Miss Lilian!" They greeted each other in unison , making Lilian flinch a bit. They giggled at her reaction.

"G-Good morning, too."

"We're here to assist you in fixing yourself. Our Alpha said that she will tour you around later," said Maya as the four of them came in.

Lilian's brows furrowed. "There's no need. I can manage." She chuckled awkwardly. She's not really used to someone helping her. She's used to doing all the things on her own.

"We know but we wanted to assist you. I'm Liza by the way," said one who's thinner than Maya.

"And I'm Kathryn. We're the helpers in the mansion. We're all omegas."

That made Lilian gasp a bit. So, they are all omega, huh. But it seems like everyone is really getting along here. Even though the three women in front of her are omegas, Lilian could see that they are really happy.

Maya smiled at Lilian's reaction. "Yeah. Maybe we're all omegas but we're treated nicely. Alpha Calista doesn't really want us to help in her mansion but we insisted. This is the least thing that we could do for her after she helped us."

Liza and Kathryn also nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Miss Lilian. Alpha Calista is the nicest and the best Alpha of all!" Kathryn agreed. "Come on, we should bathe you now!"

Lilian's eyes widened a bit. Bath? Are they going to bathe her?! Like... they're going to see her most private area and all?! She gasped at that idea inside her head.

Her question was answered when Maya and Liza pushed her towards the bathroom. Kathryn was also pushing her from behind so even though she tried to get off from their holds, she couldn't. Lilian had no other choice but to let them do what they wanted.

Maya, Kathryn and Liza literally saw everything from her as they soap her. They even removed the hairs on her pubic area! It was embarrassing as hell but they didn't seem to mind it. They were just doing their work even though Lilian was already blushing hard.


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