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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 15

CHAPTER 15: The Daughter


LILIAN REALIZED SOMETHING after what she answered to Calista. She wanted to learn how to fight properly this time. She wanted to be strong... so that when the time comes, she could face those who hurt her without trembling in fear anymore. She wanted to be ready when she faced them. She wanted to show them all that she's not the same wolf that they humiliated and pained her before.

That even though she's just an Omega, she can defend herself properly now which she failed to do in the past.

"Aren't you tired yet?"

Lilian stopped from punching the sack of sand when she heard that familiar voice getting near towards her direction. It was Jackson with a smirk on his lips. Jackson is actually handsome. He's tall and dark and has curly hair which he tends to brush using his fingers sometimes. He's actually considered as the most handsome male wolf in the pack. Every girl here likes him.

Well, Lilian couldn't really blame them. Aside from the fact that Jackson is handsome, he's also a nice man. He's actually the full package, so female wolves are doing their best to have him but sad to say, Jackson is the type of man who doesn't really play around with women. He's just waiting for his mate to come to him when the Blood Moon comes and doesn't have the time to give attention to the female wolves of the Midnight Pack.

Jackson is Lilian's sparring body. If there's someone in Midnight Pack that she's close with, that would be him. He's one of the wolves who made her life easier in the pack when she was still new. It was easy for Lilian to adjust before because of him. Calista also trusts him so she's letting Lilian train with him.

Lilian breathed heavily as she threw a glance to him. "Hey. Are you done teaching the pups?" she asked as she get the tumbler of water that he handed to her.

Aside from training, Jackson loves the pups so much. He teaches the pups the basic lessons since they couldn't really all attend in school to learn. Jackson is like a different man when he's with the kids so Lilian knows how much he loves them.

"Yeah. So, let's do our one on one session now, I guess."

She shrugged her shoulders and smirked at him. "I'm always ready, you know."

"Hah! I'm not yet tired. Okay, let's do this!" He said before he ran towards Lilian and attacked her. But since Lilian's reflexes were fast, she was able to dodge Jackson's punch. He repeatedly punches her but he is successful dodge it. They trained for an hour and more until they got tired.

That day, Lilian and Jackson spent their time training together.


WHEN LILIAN WENT back to the mansion, her brows furrowed when she didn't see Maya or any helpers lingering around. On an ordinary day, they would probably go towards her to assist her in changing her clothes. And would talk to her about many things. They are that loud but Lilian doesn't really mind. After all, they became her friends already.

Even though it has been a year after she got to the Midnight pack, she still can't believe everything that happened to her. It was very different from her previous pack. Here, she was treated like a princess. She's well taken care of by the helpers and Calista. She will be forever grateful to the wolves here.

Sighing heavily, she went into her room to take a bath first and change into her most comfortable clothes, a white dress that ended just above her knees. When she's done fixing herself she went down only to hear some noises at the dining area. It made her curious that she couldn't help but to go closer.

It seems like there's a visitor in the mansion so maybe that's the reason why the other helpers are not around.

"I... I can feel it, Joseph! She's my daughter!"

A gasp escaped from Lilian's lips when she heard the conversation. It was Calista and one of the elderly wolves in the pack. And did she hear it right? They're talking about Calista's daughter that had been lost for years? The news about it is not new to Lilian anymore since Calista always tells her that whenever they're alone.


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