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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 16

CHAPTER 16: The Excitement

"I WANTED YOU to know that even though you're my daughter, you're still my pack member. Everyone is treated fairly here. Now that we're on training, I will show no mercy," Calista said seriously a few days later when they started to train. It was actually Lilian's idea to train with Calista, or her mother.

Until now, she still can't believe the fact that Calista is indeed her mother. Calista treated her like a fragile woman this time. But whenever they are training together, she's like another woman. She's ruthless and shows no mercy like what she said.

Lilian breathed heavily, feeling the pain on her stomach after Calista punched her harshly. They're doing hand to hand combat right now. And Lilian could really see how good Calista is on this. Actually, even on knives and archery, she's good at it. There's nothing that she's not good at, making her the most suitable Alpha of the Midnight pack. Lilian could feel her Alpha aura rolled off Calista like a wave as she seriously fought with her.

"T-Then that's good. I do not want to be treated like a damsel in distress princess," Lilian replied as she wiped the sweat rolling down from her forehead.

Lilian decided to attack this time. She punched Calista on the face but she just kept on dodging it. Calista was so fast to the point that Lilian didn't see the punch on her stomach coming. Lilian was pushed backward as her back hit the ground, making her cough.

"Urgh!" Lilian groaned at the sudden attack of Calista. She coughed repeatedly.

"The Blood Moon is nearing and you intend to go back to your previous pack for revenge. And yet you're not yet physically ready? Pathetic," Calista said as she looked down on Lilian, taunting.

Lilian shook her head. "I'm ready!"

"No, you're not."

"I am-- fuck!" Calista suddenly punched her. "Why did you punch me all of a sudden, mother?!"

Calista smirked. "You talk too much. And really? Mother? I thought we already set our rules when we're training? No mother and daughter right?"

Lilian couldn't help but to glare at her. Well, she was the one who set that rule. Ever since Calista was the one who's training with her, Lilian said that they shouldn't treat as mother and daughter. Calista liked that idea even though she refused at first. Calista showed no mercy when they're training.

After a couple of seconds, they started to punch each other again and like always, Calista always won against her. Well, nothing's new to that anymore.


"AREN'T YOU EXCITED for the Blood Moon?" Maya asked a month later after Lilian's training.

Days passed by really like a blur. Lilian didn't even notice how days passed by quickly. She's enjoying her training with Calista and learning new things about the wolves. She's also studying with Jackson sometimes, one thing that she really enjoyed the most since she started teaching the pups a few weeks earlier.

"Not that much," Lilian answered as she dried her hair with the towel. She just got out of the bathroom after she took a bath.


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