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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 2

CHAPTER 02: The Rumor

LILIAN DOESN'T really believe in love at first sight. It's just a bull of crap. Her life is already poor as an Omega and believing on those kind of sh*ts won't make everything better. It was all just a waste of time.

But when she laid her eyes on Alpha Karius, everything that she told herself suddenly vanished. Alpha Karius became the man of her dreams. He became the man that suddenly erased all worries and doubts in her own life. It's just a shame that she can't have him and their status is always a hindrance. He's an Alpha and an Omega like her shouldn't hope too much. She will just get hurt in the end.

But she still prayed that someday, he would also look at her the way she looks at him.

And it happened.

Alpha Karius noticed Lilian the day when she was asked to clean the Alpha's house. He was able to throw a glance on her and Lilian was so happy at that moment. They are both attracted instantly until they don't notice how they fell with each other anymore. One day, they're just strangers with each other but now, they're now together, a lover.

Lilian couldn't help but to put a smile on her lips whenever she thought about how Alpha Karius and her started their relationship. It was full of rainbows even though it's just a secret. Their secret relationship wasn't perfect but it was full of happy memories that she will treasure for the rest of her life.

"What the heck are you doing?!"

Lilian almost jumped from where she was standing when she heard the voice of a higher rank wolf. It was Mason, the scariest Beta that commands every Omega in the pack.

Being an Omega was never easy. It was actually exhausting. The Omegas are like the slave of the pack that do all the dirty works. Lilian wanted to protest but she knew that it won't do her any good. She will just get punished in return and that's the least thing that she wants to happen right now.

She's pregnant and she needs to take care of herself. A baby is depending on her so she must avoid being in trouble in order to be safe.

Lilian cleared her throat as her own sweat glided down from her forehead to her cheek. Her gaze went to the innocent lady who looked really tired now. The lady was already pale. Lilian balled her fist and stopped herself from helping her. If she's in a different situation right now, she won't just stand there and watch the poor lady almost die in tiredness. She wouldn't mind getting a punishment just to save the lady.

"I... I was just resting a bit--"

"Did I order you to rest?!" Mason shouted at the poor lady. The other Omegas are now looking at them.

They are busy cleaning the muddy and stinky tunnel near the boundary of Seleniya. It was actually gross but they had no other choice but to follow the command of a higher rank wolf. Anyone who will disobey the order of a higher rank wolf will be whipped multiple times. They will not show any mercy to an Omega.


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