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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 4

CHAPTER 04: The Bloody Break-up

"FROM NOW on, I want to end everything. Let's pretend like nothing happened between us. Let's be strangers and I don't want to see your face again."

Lilian wasn't able to talk after what he said. She was just waiting for a couple of seconds until he took back those words. If this is one of Alpha Karius' jokes, then it's not funny at all! Her heart is breaking inside her chest!

"Please, take back what you just said," Lilian pleaded as he stared at the man that she truly loves with tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She's trying to be as firm as possible and won't let her voice crack.

Alpha Karius just clenched his jaw and tilted his head a bit. He suddenly laughed sarcastically that made the hair on Lilian's nape rose up. The man in front of her right was like a stranger, far from the man that she loves. It feels like she doesn't know him anymore.

"I won't take it back. That's what I want, woman," he told her coldly.

A gasp escaped from Lilian's lips. Woman. He just called her 'woman', like he doesn't even know her name, like she's just a mere stranger to him. What the hell is happening to him? Why does he suddenly want to end everything between them?! This is not him!

She shook her head. "Y-You're just lying. Maybe this is just one of your pranks! I knew it, Alpha Karius! Stop this now, hmm?" Her voice became gentle like she was convincing him to stop his antics. She tried to reach him again and held his arms but he just moved her hands away, like he was so disgusted, like she has some kind of disease that he's trying to avoid.

"This is not a prank! This is real, I have no time to fool around so fucking swallow the fact that I no longer want a connection with you anymore!" He shouted in so much frustration and gazed at her with his bloodshot eyes.

Lilian almost jumped from where she's standing in shockness. "B-But we l-love each other! You told me multiple times that you love me, Alpha Karius!"

He licked his lower lip, his breathings labored and then brushed his own hair with his palm. Even though he really looked mad right, he still looked hot and handsome.

"I fell out of love. Stop your drama, goddamnit!"

A sobbed came out automatically from Lilian's mouth and cried in front of him. She tried to suppress her sobs but it just kept on coming out from her mouth. Maybe it's the effect of her pregnancy, she really became emotional which she couldn't really stop.

He fell out of love. Is that it? Is that his reason? But he never once made her feel like his love will end this way... that he will fall out of love because he always tells her how much he loves him all the time they were together. He never had his shortcomings when it comes to their relationship!

"Why? W-Why, Alpha Karius? Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you? Please, tell me, I'm willing to change it! I'm willing to change myself if that's what makes you stay in our relationship! I'll be good, I won't complain in our secret relationship anymore. If you're willing to keep me forever, then I'll accept it! Just don't end what we have!"

Lilian was so desperate to make Alpha Karius stay. She really never expects herself to be like this in front of a man that she's even willing to change herself in order to make her stay. It was pathetic but she was left with no other choice. She wanted him to stay in their relationship!

"I just felt... tired. I felt tired of this damn set up! I want to end up with someone that I can truly show to the world! I felt tired of hiding this damn relationship. It feels so fucking frustrating that you're just an... Omega," he replied, almost whispering the last word. "You're too low for me!"


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