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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 22

CHAPTER 22: The Mark

THE PLEASURE WAS too much for Lilian to handle. Her moans are echoing in the four corners of the bathroom already, not minding someone might hear them but she already lost all her inhibitions. Everyone outside could hear their moans and groans but it seems like they didn't really care anymore since they are now all busy finding their own mates.

Lilian suddenly thought about Calista. She's not sure anymore what's going on her now. She just hope that she's enjoying the party even if she doesn't have a mate to wait to mark her.

"Lilian, I just want to be clear here. I'm not forcing you to do this with me. It's hard to stop now but if you don't really like it, then I'm not going to force you-"

Alpha Karius' words was cut off when Lilian laughed at him. "Don't worry. I want this too." She assured him as she caressed his face, particularly on his stubbles that made him looked more mature. It was rough and sent a ticklish feeling on her palm.

His eyes darkened at her answer as he clenched his jaw, feeling her hand there even more. His hand went down to his slacks. He unbuckled his belt while looking at her eyes. He pulled down his slacks along with his boxers, not tearing off his gaze with Lilian. The temperature inside the comfort room became ten times hotter for Lilian when he bit his lower lips sexily in front of her. It's just a simple gesture from him but it affected her so much, especially her wolf.

That's the thing that Lilian couldn't really deny. Alpha Karius is effortlessly sexy and handsome. He could even just stand like a statue and everyone will definitely looked at him and worship him like he's a God.

After a while, Lilian felt wetter even more when his bulge was now in front of her very own eyes. His tip is now glistening with his own precum. It was long and hard as the veins on its body pulsated like it needed attention. He's fully erected now, making Lilian bite her lips unconsciously. She suddenly wondered what would be the taste of it if she's going to run her tongue around it.

Damn. She didn't expect that he's this big now. Well, he's gifted with his size even before but is it really possible that he could be bigger and longer like this now? That's what she thought but it immediately vanished when Alpha Karius turned her around and now, her back is facing him. He caressed it with his calloused palm before leaning down to lick her earshell sensually, sending an electrifying feeling down her spine.

"Look how aroused you are," Alpha Karius whispered on her left ear as he undo her hair, fisting on it lightly making her looked up a bit. Her hair is now disheveled but he fixed some strands that's blocking the side of her face. Alpha Karius took that as a chance to lick the side of her neck to her throat. His lips left sloppy wet kisses on her skin making her feel hotter even more.

Lilian also looked at herself in her own reflection on the mirror. It can't be denied that she really looked aroused now just like what he said earlier. Her lips are hanged open with a frown on her face while Alpha Karius lips grazed on her neck, slightly biting it. She felt how he suddenly gripped her butt cheek, leaving a tap on it harshly.

"Ah!" she shouted in sheer pleasure as his rough and big palm kissed her butt. Alpha Karius did it again until her butt cheek turned red from too much tapping. "Ah, fuck!" She couldn't help but to curse repeatedly. It stings but the pleasure is more dominating. She didn't give too much on the pain anymore.

Moments later, she felt how his dick pressed on her behind, grazing on her butt cheek. She smirked when a naughty idea came to my mind. She teasingly rubbed her butt on his dick and smirked when she saw his reaction in the mirror. It looks like he's about to lose his own patience now. He's gritting his teeth as his hand on her hair tightened. He even groaned like he's already having a hard time.

"I'm gonna take you now..." he said after leaving a mark all over her neck, his canines already came out, slightly pricking her skin but it wasn't that painful for her.

Lilian just answered through her delicious moan as he kept on rubbing his hard dick on her wet slit from behind. She could feel his tip on her entrance, like it's knocking and asking for permission. She just looked at him in the mirror sensually and he immediately took that as a signal that she's letting him already. He let out a sigh like he's having a hard time again, controlling himself until he gripped both of her butt cheeks, spreading it wider and then suddenly slammed his shaft inside her harshly.

A gasp escaped from Lilian's mouth at his sudden intrusion. It actually hurts! She's already wet but his rough entrance on her core blew her mind. She was too stretched again but the pain subsided immediately and was replaced by pleasure when he started moving, slowly at first until it became aggressive.

"Ahh! Ahh... ohh... yes! Ahmm. Hmm..." She kept on moaning like a wanton woman as Alpha Karius gripped on her waist tightly for support while thrusting inside her.

Meanwhile, Alpha Karius secretly smirked when he saw in the mirror how Lilian's face contorted in so much pleasure as her boobs bounced while thrusting inside her. It feels nice to know that he still has the same effect on her whenever they're being intimate like this. She feels so warm. He never knew that he could feel this kind of warmth again after a long time. He felt... cold and lifeless all the time before especially when everyone is telling him that she's already dead.


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