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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 23

CHAPTER 23: The Alpha is Here!

TO GET MARKED by Alpha Karius wasn't really on her plan. Lilian wanted to scold herself from getting into her situation right now but she realized that it was already too late. She can't turn back time now. It already happened.

She slowly moved from the bed and removed the hand on her waist. Alpha Karius was hugging her tight while sleeping soundly beside her. She knew that maybe he's too tired from their countless sex last night. And she also gave in countless times. She couldn't believe that she let herself give in a lot of times!

Well, she couldn't really deny the fact that he's still good in bed just like before. He still has the ability to take her to the highest heavens while thrusting inside her ruthlessly.

But it was her wolf's decision. If she didn't give in to her own heat last night, it would only hurt her. Her core would only throb nonstop if she wouldn't let someone to ease the heat for her. And in that case, Alpha Karius was the one who ease her pain, no matter how she denied it.

Sighing, Lilian got up from the bed and scanned the whole room. They are inside a luxurious room in the hotel where the party was held last night. They continued what they started in the comfort room here and she just raised her brow when she saw her gown scattered messily on the floor along with his dress shirt and slacks.

She wore it again and put her hair on a ponytail, making some strands fall just in front of her face. When she's done, she looked at the sleeping Alpha Karius again and gritted her own teeth. Even though he's just sleeping, his handsomeness couldn't be really denied. His brows are almost meeting like he's irritated even though he's at sleep. He looked intimidating while still closing his eyes.

"You may have marked me but I will never let you have my heart again. You're just nothing to me now..." Lilian whispered one last time before she stormed out of the room.


"WHERE HAVE YOU been?" Calista's first question as soon as she saw her in the lobby of the hotel. She looked worried as she scanned her whole body and tilted her head a bit when she realized something. Calista could smell the faint scent of another wolf on Lilian. She suddenly had a hunch that maybe, she's with someone last night. It's the Blood Moon so it's not surprising anymore that Lilian could possibly find her mate. "Did you find your mate last night?"

Lilian just sighed as she suddenly had the urge to hug her so without further ado, she threw herself to Calista for a tight hug as frustrations from what happened last night flooded her head. "I already found him. And I guess, I fucked up really bad this time. I intend to hurt him but... this happened."

Lilian couldn't help but to be disappointed in herself as she let out those words to her own mother. Calista just sighed at her and held Lilian's back gently. She could really feel the heaviness of Lilian's heart now.

"So, it's him, huh. It's Alpha Karius." That was a statement from Calista. She knew it already the moment she was able to sniff the faint scent of another wolf on Lilian. The scent was familiar and strong. She already knew that kind of scent before so she's not that shocked to know about it anymore.

Lilian just nodded her head as an answer while Calista was just rubbing her back, sending comfort to her chaotic mind.

"We can't do anything about that anymore. It's your wolf's decision, Lilian," she told him. That's one of the things that wolves couldn't control. Once your wolf makes a decision to mate with someone, you can no longer stop it. A wolf's mark is the most sacred part of being a wolf so even though they really want it, they have to respect it.

Lilian just closed her eyes. Yeah, right. To begin with, she felt the heat inside her caused by her own wolf because of the Blood Moon. She wouldn't let herself be in that situation if only she didn't feel the heat.

Lilian didn't bother to talk anymore as she was just feeling her mother's warmth, feeling tired from last night. The truth is, the thing in between her legs is also aching as she takes a walk. She wanted a decent rest right now as her body is also aching from last night.

Calista must've felt that she's too tired already that she didn't try to talk again. She unwrapped her hands around her and guided the small of her back as they both made their way towards the entrance of the hotel. She was just hugging her on the side as they went inside the limousine to go back to the mansion.


LILIAN LOOKED AT herself in the mirror and touched the skin on her neck where the mark is getting visible now. It looks like a tattoo whenever the light from outside hits her skin. It has a moon surrounded by some veins that only an Alpha mark could leave whenever marking their own mates. It was one of the gifts from the moon goddess to the Alphas that couldn't be removed anymore.


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