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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 24

CHAPTER 24: The Marking Process

LILIAN GRITTED HER teeth when she realized that her wolf was itching to touch him the moment he laid her eyes on him. Her hand balled into fist when she saw that his gaze went down to her neck where the mark is. His brows furrowed but then he clenched his jaw when he saw the blood dripping out from her mark.

"This visit is so sudden. You want to get my daughter so bad, huh?" Calista said in front as her brows raised a bit, looking at Alpha Karius with her taunting expression.

Meanwhile, Alpha Karius remained calm even though he was slightly intimidated by Calista, the alpha of the Midnight Pack. He heard so much about her pack and it was all a good thing. All that he could say is that it was a nice pack despite the bad rumors circulating about their she-wolf Alpha. He's not really against the fact that it was ruled by a woman. The only thing that he's concerned about is the fact that they have Lilian... now his mate.

He couldn't believe that the woman that he had been loving for the past years is his mate now. But he needed to fix everything between them first. He wanted to start a clean slate with her since he intended to keep her forever. He wanted to clear things up between them and most especially, to apologize to everything that he had done before.

"Yeah. I'm desperate to get her. My wolf is aching to be with her already..." He replied calmly, not caring about the fact that he admitted that he's desperate to have Lilian with him. But inside his head, he knew that it's not only his wolf that's aching to have her... even him. He missed her so much... her skin and her natural smells. All of her.

But on the other side, Alpha Karius couldn't help but to get confused. Daughter? Is she referring to Lilian? He couldn't understand.

"That's not my decision to make. Whether my daughter likes it or not, you should respect her decision," Calista replied calmly before turning around and now looking at Lilian. "What's your decision, dear?" she asked.

Lilian sighed as she thought thoroughly about it. If she will be back in the Moon Stone Pack again, it will only just remind her of all her hardships before, all the pain that she had been through. She wanted her revenge. And she will not be able to do it if she's not going there. She needed to overcome all the traumas in that pack in order to execute her revenge.

"Can we talk about this first, please?" Lilian said to Calista as she gestured to her to go back inside the mansion. "Wait here," she told Alpha Karius seriously. He just nodded and watched her get inside with Calista.

"Dear, you don't have to feel pressure about this. If you still don't want to get close to the pack that had hurt you before, then you don't need to go with that man," Calista said gently as she held her arms.

Lilian shook her head. "No. I want to do this. I want to show them that I'm no longer the weak Omega they used to know."

Calista sighed. "You can't stop me from worrying about you, dear..."

"Don't worry about me. I can handle myself. I'm strong now." She smiled at her gently.

"I know. But we can't really predict what would happen next once you stay there. I... I was just scared that they would hurt you again. I'm your mother, Lilian. No matter what you do, I will support you but I won't forgive myself again if something happens to you again there."

Warmth wrapped in Lilian's heart when she heard what Calista said. She gets what she feels but she needs to do this.

"I will take care of myself..." she told her.

They fell into deep silence after that but then Calista looked at her then sighed again, thinking that Lilian will not change her mind again. So... Calista gave in and nodded her head.

"Fine. I'm letting you go now. But once that he will hurt you again, I'll go there by myself to get you back. Remember that, dear..." Calista said coldly as they both headed out again, meeting the serious gaze of Alpha Karius.

Lilian looked at him. "Fine. I'll go with you," she answered seriously, making Alpha Karius smile a bit. It was obvious that he's happy about her decision.

"Let's go, my Luna. Let's go back to our pack..." he said that almost came out as a whisper before he extended his arm to Lilian.

Even though she was hesitating, she still accepted his hand and felt his warmth that sent electricity down to her spine.



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