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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 35

CHAPTER 35: The Reward

LILIAN DOESN'T KNOW what's gotten to her anymore the moment she reaches her own room. Her heart is beating so fast like she had gone to a long marathon. She even held it as if it was enough to make it calm.

Gritting her teeth, Lilian sighed deeply with her eyes closed. Here comes the feelings that she doesn't want to feel again.

She just greeted Alpha Karius a very simple happy birthday and yet her heart wouldn't just calm down! And the butterfly demons in her stomach were like celebrating what she's feeling right now.

The softness of his eyes earlier that met hers was just so damn alluring, it was full of emotion as if he's saying sweet things. And at that mere thought, she could feel that her insides were starting to heat up. She couldn't help it as the mark on her neck suddenly became itchy. It aches uncomfortably and she can't just control it.

Now, she's doomed. She's in heat again.

"No, this is not happening again..." she whispered to herself and went straight to her bathroom, rubbing the crook of her neck where her mark is as if it's the only way to ease what she's feeling.

She looked at her own reflection and sighed the moment her gaze went to the mark on her neck. The mark is pulsating and slightly lighting up, making her feel uncomfortable. "What the fuck is happening to me?" she asked, couldn't help but to curse, talking to her own reflection.

Her face is blushing hard because of the heat that she's feeling, but it makes her face more glowing. Added the fact that her mark is lighting a bit, it just emphasized the beauty of her face. She licked her lip when she felt her pussy suddenly throb when Alpha Karius' handsome face appeared in her mind.


Lilian decided to just take a quick cold shower. She let the cold water cascaded down her body that's still on fire. The weather is already cold but it seems like the coldness of the water is still not enough to wipe the heat that she's feeling right now.

She was struggling to wear her robe when she's done showering because of the ache on her neck. Clumsily, she doesn't know what's really happening to her own body anymore and just went out of her own room. She wasn't able to wipe the water cascading down her body from her hair anymore since the pain on her neck is just getting worse as seconds passed by.

Without thinking, she found herself knocking in front of Alpha Karius' room. He immediately opened it.

"Lilian?" He asked with his brows furrowed as his gaze scanned her body. He clenched his jaw. That moment, Alpha Karius already knows that she's in heat again. He could see how the mark on her neck pulsated as her other hand went up to cup it. Alpha Karius could feel the heat that's being released by her own body just by only staring at her.

Alpha Karius suppresses his canines to come out when her sweet scent invades his nostrils. It was enough to take him to high heavens that he even closed his eyes. His wolf seems to be happy again seeing her. But he can't just jump onto her and do what the fuck everything that he wants. Because he's so damn sure that she wouldn't even like it.

The past few days, Lilian has been really aloof at him. And he couldn't really blame her for that. But he's giving all his efforts to make up with the things that he did in the past. He won't stop until she forgives him.

"H-Help..." she almost whispered as she let her body lean to his chest. Lilian wanted so badly to slap herself. She never knew that she would ask for help from him! And she could be this weak!

She already planted in her mind that she is not going to show her weak side anymore but her situation right now is really hard. Her mark just keeps on aching! Goodness! Her situation is not helping at all.

Worry washed over on Alpha Karius' face. Even though he's still sad about what she did to his very special day, he couldn't deny the fact that he's worrying about her. He's still his Luna and mate... other than that, he loves her so much so he doesn't want her to be in pain.

"Fuck." Alpha Karius couldn't help but to utter a crisp curse as soon as they already both entered his room. He let out a deep sigh when her robe went down a bit, revealing the valley of her breast. He fixed it with his trembling hands as he helped her sit down on his wide bed.


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