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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 36

CHAPTER 36: The Good Boy

"DAMN IT," LILIAN whispered as Alpha Karius tried to move his hips underneath her and rubbed it to her pussy, it made her wetter. "You fucking stay there and don't move. I didn't tell you to do that," she added with full authority in her tone as she slightly glared at him.

Her voice was firm and strong, and it was enough to make Alpha Karius stop on what he was doing instantly. Even though it really feels good, she wanted him to know that she's the one that he should follow here. She will take control this time. She smirked, knowing how powerful her words could be when it comes to him, he obeyed her instantly without second thoughts.

Meanwhile, instead of being disappointed and pissed, Alpha Karius found himself smirking at how Lilian suddenly took control. She looked really hot straddling him right now that his cock is aching and dying to come out from the tightness of his sweatpants, like a beast that is slowly being unleashed by a goddess.

"We will stop this if you won't follow what I want," she said, threatening him. She slightly pushed his broad shoulders on the bed, making him stay still. "Now, I don't want you calling me by my name or my Luna or what the fuck endearments that you want to call me. I want you to call me Ma'am this time. You understand?" She lifted his chin up with her finger and met his dark gaze.

"Yes, Ma'am," he answered with his deep husky voice. This is the first time that Lilian will take charge while they are in bed. And for him, it was honestly sexy and just heightened the desire that he's feeling right now. Lilian looked ten times hotter in front of him.

"Suck it." She smirked and inserted her thumb inside his mouth, feeling the wetness of it.

And like a good boy, he obeyed what she wanted and sucked her thumb, running his tongue on it. Lilian sexily licked her lips at the sight of Alpha Karius sucking her thumb, like it was her hardened peaks he's sucking. Hus tongue would run sensually on her thumb, making her gasped on the tingling sensation that she felt on her own core. Her panty is now soaked with her own wetness, making her also look at his eyes with desire.

"Stay where you are," she whispered as she leaned back a bit, making him have a better view of her wet and glistening pussy. She smirked at him once again and lifted her other hand and played with her pussy just in front of him while her other hand got support from his leg.

"Fuck, let me have a taste, please," Alpha Karius said as if he's having a hard time. He's restraining himself to not flip her over and be on top of her instead. He clenched his jaw, thinking how helpless his situation is right now. He badly wanted to touch her too and run his tongue on her goddess-like body, too! He wanted to feel every bit of her skin but she wouldn't let him! And since she just said that he would stay where he is, then he will gladly obliged just to please her. Heck, he won't hesitate to follow everything that she wants him to do. That's how whipped he is when it comes to her.

"Just watch. You don't need to do anything," she answered as her breathing labored and opened the cheeks of her pussy, rubbing her throbbing cl*t in a circular motion. She's sure as hell that Alpha Karius is almost losing the tiniest thread of his patience right now. But of course, she will not let him take over for now. She will watch how he lost his own cool and sanity just by only watching her.


"No. And what did I tell you to call me, hmm?" Lilian whispered naughtily again and looked at him with her threatening look. "Should I continue what I'm doing? Or should I just... stop?"

He gulped. "I'm sorry... Ma'am. Please continue."

"Very good. But I do not want you telling me what to do. Just relax and watch me first."


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