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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 6

CHAPTER 06: The Assigned Room

LOSING HER CHILD is also losing the other part of herself. Lilian never knew that she could go through this kind of pain.

The rain is pouring hard but she couldn't afford to leave the place where she buried the little life from her womb... her baby.

"L-Lilian, come on. Let's go back," Penny said beside her as she touched her shoulders, comforting her. They are now both soaking wet from the rain but Lilian doesn't really mind it. She wanted to just stay in the place where she buried her child. She wanted to be with her forever.

The rain seemed to understand what she's feeling because it poured harder as her cries became louder. But then the scenarios that she saw a while ago made everything worse. Alpha Karius is now going to be with the woman on his level... a woman who has a nice background... unlike her who's just an Omega.

But how could he do that to her?! He ended everything between them just like that! He hurt her with his most sharpest words that stabbed her heart for a million times! He's so cruel that she can't help but to get mad at him! How could he even afford to act like that in front of the whole pack when here she is... grieving with their lost child.

"I... I d-don't want this p-pain anymore! I don't like it! P-Please, stop the pain! Take it all away!" She shouted as she looked at the gloomy sky and held her chest.

Penny couldn't help but to also cry on Lilian's situation right now. She knelt down on the muddy ground and hugged her sideways to comfort her. Lilian doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to lose someone very dear to her. She didn't even have the chance to carry her first child in her arms. Although she's clueless on the father of Lilian's child, Penny had a hunch that her relationship with her child's father is not really good. Because Lilian should not go through this kind of pain alone.

Where is her child's father? Penny couldn't help but to think about it. She wanted to ask Lilian but it's not the right time to ask, seeing her state right now.

"Hush now, Lilian..." she whispered to her as her eyes were getting misty from the rain and her own tears.

Penny only wished that Lilian would be fine soon. She's not that close to her but she hopes and prays that her pain will end eventually.

LIVING WITHOUT A purpose. That's what Lilian thought as she stared at her own reflection in the mirror. She lost weight and has bags around her eyes. Her lips are dry, the same as her own hair. It feels like she's already dead even though she's still literally alive.

She sighed before washing her own face with the cold water. Today, she'll be facing another challenge of being the lowest of the low in the pack. She will go out to do the duties of an Omega... the slave of the higher ranked wolves.

It hurts that until now, the system of the pack is still trashy. Everyone should be treated fairly even though they don't have the same ranks.

After fixing herself, Lilian went out without any hint of emotion on her face. When she went out, she saw some kids running around while carrying a basket full of newly harvested fruits and vegetables, even heavier than their weight. At their young age, they are supposed to have fun and studying but since they have a fucked up system in the pack, they are forced to do the labor.

Lilian pursed her lips. She failed to recognize all of this as she was too blinded with the idea of being in love secretly with Alpha Karius that much. She failed to see the hardships of the Omegas like her inside the pack.


Lilian straightened her back when she heard the familiar voice of the head of the Omegas. It was Clarine. They are not that close but Clarine is nice. She's five years ahead of Lilian. Clarine looked tired as she caught her own breath and held her chest. She's thin, probably because of too much work she's facing everyday. But despite the wrinkles on her face, it can't be denied that she's a pretty woman.

"Hey, Clarine," Lilian said dryly. She has actually no strength to interact that much to anyone right now but she doesn't want to appear rude in front of her.


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