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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 7

CHAPTER 07: The Punishment

"LET'S SWITCH!" Dahlia insisted as she went to Lilian with her puppy eyes and clasping hands. She's obviously hoping that Lilian would switch rooms with her and clean the room of the Alpha. If Lilian is in a different situation, of course, she would love that idea but she can't just defy Nadia's words... or make a mistake because of Mason's threat earlier to them.

Lilian sighed. "We can't. Nadia already told you where to clean. We can't just disobey her," she said calmly to her.

"Don't push it, Dahlia. Just go to your designated room and start cleaning. We can't just slack off here," Clarine said, this time with her most authoritative tone as the head of the Omegas. Even though Clarine always looked positive and jolly, she's sometimes strict on the rules. One of the reasons why she has been selected as the Omega's head.

"Fine!" Dahlia pouted and stomped her foot, marching away from them to go to the room where she's assigned. Clarine and Lilian just looked at each other and shook their heads. Jasmine already left and started cleaning.

Clarine looked at Lilian with concern in her eyes. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay cleaning that room?" she asked.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Lilian asked her. Clarine was about to say something but then she sighed and didn't push it anymore.

Lilian tilted her head a bit, realizing something. It seems like Clarine knew something as she looked at her eyes. She's not sure but it seems like Clarine's eyes are screaming with worry and pity, which she's not sure where is coming from. Lilian had a hunch but... Is it possible that she knew about her secret relationship with Alpha Karius before?

Lilian shook her head with that idea. That's impossible. Only Calyx knew about their relationship. And Alpha Karius made sure that no one would know about it. And aside from that, they had been careful in their relationship. So, her hunch is certainly not right.

"Nothing. So, I shall go now to fulfill my duty. Bye for now," Clarine said as she waved her hand and left Lilian with her deep thoughts.

When Lilian was left, she decided to open the room and sighed. She's being paranoid again. Might as well fulfill her duty as soon as possible to leave the mansion immediately.

A spacious room welcomed her. The walls are painted with white and decorated with some old paintings that she's sure cost a fortune. There are also some books on the shelf. She scoffed when she was able to sniff the familiar scent of the man who hurted her. She always loved to sniff that scent before but now, it makes her vomit. She hates it now.

"So, this is also going to be his room, huh..." Lilian whispered to herself with a bitter smirk formed on his lips.

She saw some bags at the side of the bed. She assumed that it was owned by Luna who's also going to occupy this room from now on. Maybe it was her luggage.

It was a torture staying inside the room as Alpha Karius scent is also lingering around. She started cleaning and wiping the dust at the table when suddenly, the room at the corner opened revealing a woman wearing a robe. She's wiping her wet hair with another towel as her sweet scent starts to linger in the air. Her skin is tan like those Latina women she sees in magazines. Even though her body was covered with a robe, Lilian could tell that she's sexy. She's actually tall and Lilian has almost the same height as her.

Lilian's lips pursed when she realized that this woman was the same woman that she saw with Alpha Karius when Calyx made that announcement. It was his Luna. She mentally raised her brow. What are the odds that she's going to meet Alpha Karius' woman this way? Then, she realized that she doesn't know her name yet. Even though Calyx already introduced her to the whole pack, Lilian wasn't able to memorize her name as she was too focused on the betrayal and pain that she was feeling at that time.

"What the hell?! Are you a thief? Why did you enter this room?!"

Lilian's eyes widened in fraction at the woman's sudden accusation. And heck, a thief? Lilian is so sure that even though she's wearing an old dress, she doesn't look like a thief. In fact she's presentable enough and for her to conclude that she's a thief slightly insulted her.

"I'm not a thief," Lilian calmly said to her. "I'm sorry. I'm here to clean the room--"

"I don't believe you! Strip! Maybe you're hiding something inside your clothes! Did you steal something?!" She ordered as her tone raised a bit, making Lilian gasps.

"W-What? I didn't steal anything!" Lilian slightly shook her head, as if it was enough to make the woman believe that she's not really a thief.

"That's an order from your Luna! You're going to strip or I'll be the one to strip you?" She threatened as she glared at Lilian. Her eyes turned cobalt blue a bit, a sign that she's wolfing out.

Lilian's mouth hangs open as fear starts to consume her system. But then she couldn't help but to feel disappointed. So, this is the Luna of the pack, huh. She just jumped into conclusion that she's a thief without even hearing her proper explanation or looking at the cleaning tools that she's holding! She doesn't want to say it but Luna is really stupid for thinking that way of her!

Even though Lilian wanted so badly to defend herself and tell her that she's not really a thief, she calmed herself to not burst in anger. How could this woman accuse her of something that she didn't even do?

"I won't strip because I'm not hiding anything." This time, Lilian's voice is filled with conviction. "Like I said, I'm here to clean. Now, please excuse me--"


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