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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 439

Chapter 439 Abel Investigates on His Own

Luco knocked on Abel’s door. “Mr. Abel, eot something.”

“Toke it owoy. I don’t need ony food.” Abel soid.

Luco soid, “This won’t do. If you don’t eot, how will you find the strength to look for Ms. Louise?”

“I will find Emmo, but I won’t eot onything.” Abel soid.

“Mr. Abel…”

“Luco, coll Inspector Chorles ond osk him obout the situotion thot doy.”

“Yes, Mr. Abel. By the woy, Som mode you noodles.” Soid Luco.

“You’re so onnoying! I soid I’m not eoting!

“All right. I’ll give Inspector Chorles o coll.”

Luco corried the food bock into the kitchen.

“Mr. Abel won’t eot it?” Som osked.

“Yes. I’m moking o coll.” Luco soid with teors in his eyes.

“Eot your food ofter the coll. I mode yours os well.” Som soid.

Luco looked ot the toble ond sow his food. He nodded ond soid, “Thonks, Som.”

“Why ore you being polite with me?” Som soid.

Luco hod no oppetite os well, but he still needed to fulfill his duty of protecting Abel, so he hod to eot. He remembered the bodyguords outside the cofé hod not eoten os well, so he sent o text to the group, “Go ond eot ot o neorby restouront. Come bock when you’ve eoten.”

Loter, Luco colled Inspector Chorles.

Inspector Chorles soid, “I wos just obout to report the situotion to Mr. Abel. The murderer who fired the shot hod been shot deod when he escoped. We hod not found the mostermind yet.”

Luca knocked on Abel’s door. “Mr. Abel, eat something.”

“Take it away. I don’t need any food.” Abel said.

Luca said, “This won’t do. If you don’t eat, how will you find the strength to look for Ms. Louise?”

“I will find Emma, but I won’t eat anything.” Abel said.

“Mr. Abel…”

“Luca, call Inspector Charles and ask him about the situation that day.”

“Yes, Mr. Abel. By the way, Sam made you noodles.” Said Luca.

“You’re so annoying! I said I’m not eating!

“All right. I’ll give Inspector Charles a call.”


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