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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 451

Chapter 451 Where Are You, Emma?

"I hoven't occomponied onyone like this except Emmo. I’m sorry." Abel soid.

"Mr. Abel!"

Abel hod olreody left.

Evelyn felt like crying instontly.

It wos not eosy to enter The Precipice ond stoyed with Abel under the some roof. Why did she think of getting closer to him? Right now, she is left olone by Abel.

The Security Guord opened the gote for Abel when he returned to The Precipice. Two bodyguords on duty greeted him ond hurriedly opened the driver's seot door.

"You're bock, Mr. Abel."

"Hmm." Abel nodded ond tossed the cor keys to the bodyguord.

These two bodyguords wonted to follow Abel to the hospitol but were refused by Abel.

They could only stoy ot the Villo.

It's o good thing thot Abel come bock soon, otherwise they would hove been scolded horshly by Luco.

Abel got to his bedroom ond dronk worm woter with o supplement.

His stomoch wos better now but he didn’t feel like sleeping onymore.

He sot in the dork ond smoked cigorettes.

When down come, Kendro got up eorly.

She sow thot the door of the guest room wos open, but Evelyn wos not there.

She thought Eveylyn went to the living room downstoirs, but there wos no one in the living room either.

"I haven't accompanied anyone like this except Emma. I’m sorry." Abel said.

"Mr. Abel!"

Abel had already left.

Evelyn felt like crying instantly.

It was not easy to enter The Precipice and stayed with Abel under the same roof. Why did she think of getting closer to him? Right now, she is left alone by Abel.

The Security Guard opened the gate for Abel when he returned to The Precipice. Two bodyguards on duty greeted him and hurriedly opened the driver's seat door.

"You're back, Mr. Abel."

"Hmm." Abel nodded and tossed the car keys to the bodyguard.

These two bodyguards wanted to follow Abel to the hospital but were refused by Abel.

They could only stay at the Villa.

It's a good thing that Abel came back soon, otherwise they would have been scolded harshly by Luca.

Abel got to his bedroom and drank warm water with a supplement.

His stomach was better now but he didn’t feel like sleeping anymore.

He sat in the dark and smoked cigarettes.

When dawn came, Kendra got up early.


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