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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 474

Chapter 474 Abel chases Evelyn away

"It can't be done," Benjamin said in surprise, "I'd rather suffer than let you deprive me of my feelings,"

"Stupid!" Robert waved and said, "You and Ms. Eastwood should go back to Struyria, and set off with Abel."

Three days later, everyone returned to Struyria.

Abel returned to "The Precipice."

The Rolls-Royce stopped in the parking space, and Kendra greeted him with Abel in his arms.

Evelyn saw them upstairs, and changed her clothes, put on some makeup, and ran down.

The car opened, and Abel, who dressed in a black suit, stepped out.

Kendra's eyes dimmed.

She expected Emmeline to appear behind Abel.

But there was only Abel.

Luca got off the passenger seat.

"Mr. Ryker," Kendra probed into the car, "Where is Ms. Louise? Didn't you find her?"

Abel strode toward the main building as if he did not hear anything.

Evelyn greeted her in a pink dress she had just changed into.

"Mr. Abel!!"

"Why are you here?"

Upon seeing Evelyn, Abel suddenly frowned.

"I..." Evelyn smiled slightly, "I'm here to accompany Kendra and help her look after the baby while all of you are gone."

"I'm not used to strangers living at home," Abel brushed past Evelyn, "you'd better leave."

"But Mr. Abel..."

Abel strode into the main building calmly.

"Mr. Elsher," Kendra stopped Luca, "Aren't you looking for Ms. Louise, where is Ms. Louise?"

"Shh," Lucas silenced.

"What's wrong?" Kendra's heart sank.

"From now on, don't mention Ms. Louise,"


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