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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 475

Chapter 475 Don’t Tell The Children

"But you get to stay by Mr. Abel's side every day," Evelyn said, "Although I've been married to him, Mr. Abel doesn't want to see me."

"About that..." Kendra lowered her gaze, "I still have to cook for Mr. Abel, so I won't chat with you."

"I'll help you!" Evelyn hurriedly followed.

Abel returned to his room and took a hot shower.

After that, she wrapped herself in a towel and entered the closet.

He wanted to change into a suit, so he hurried to Abel's room to have a look.

Since he had not been here for so long, his desk should be piled with work.

But then he saw Emmeline's clothes.

The closet was filled with clothes.

They were all designer clothes that he bought for her.

Abel took one off casually and put it in front of his eyes.

He wondered why he loved that woman so much.

Why did he buy her so much luxurious clothing?

But why did he feel empty whenever he thought of her?

He even thought about how she was lying on the hospital bed, fighting against the god of death, and he felt empty.

Maybe he did not love this woman?

Abel thought so.

He hung up the clothes in the closet.

Love cannot be forced.

You cannot force someone to love you.

Abel thought that when he had time, he would ask Kendra to move all these clothes away to save space.

He changed to a black suit and went to the Ryker Group.

Sure enough, there was a mountain of documents on the desk, waiting for him to deal with.

Luca reckoned that their father would not leave the CEO's office within two hours.

Taking advantage of this effort, Annie went to Levan Mansion.

He needed to explain Abel and Emmeline's matter in advance.


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