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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 498

Chapter 498 Kendra Left

"Oh please," said Kendra as she continued, "You two are basically attached to each other."

"Stop joking, Kendra." Abel got up and continued, "I don't want to talk about it. Please leave."

"Mr. Ryker," Kendra pleaded with tears in her eyes and continued, "Emmeline is only gone for a few days and yet you've already fallen for other women. How could you do that to her?"

Abel was speechless when she said that. He took a deep breath and said, "Please don't test my patience, Kendra. I told you that I don't want to talk about it, so get out right now!"

"I'll leave." Kendra wiped her tears away and said, "Oh, you've changed Mr. Ryker. I'm really disappointed in you and I won't stay here anymore. Besides, I don't want your company anyway. I'll leave and I don't want to see how close you both have gotten!" Kendra got out of the room and slammed the door shut, leaving Abel behind.

Her reaction stunned Abel as he wondered what happened to Kendra for her to judge him that much. He was also shocked to hear that she wanted to leave because she did not want to see how close the both of them had gotten. He chuckled and thought to himself, What has gotten into them? He was confused because Kendra and her daughter wanted to leave as soon as he returned from work. Kendra did not answer any of her calls despite Luca calling her repeatedly.

So, Abel traced Kendra to a dumplings store the following day. He found her pushing a stroller with her daughter in it. Apparently, the store was hiring workers.

"It's fifty dollars an hour, miss," said the store owner. The store owner continued, "That's the maximum wages that we can afford."

"This means that I can only make two hundred dollars a day." Kendra frowned and continued, "My rent costs four thousand five hundred dollars every month. This totals to a hundred and fifty dollars a day, leaving me with only fifty dollars to spend. I won't have enough at all."

"Then, there's nothing I can do," said the store owner. The store owner continued, "I mean, you are bringing your child along to work. I'm being very generous with fifty dollars an hour and four hours of work already."

"Please sir." Kendra teared up and pleaded, "Can you please increase the wages to sixty an hour? I can start right now."

"Fine," said the store owner as he continued, "I'll do that since you have to raise a child."

"Thank you!" Kendra pushed the stroller aside and got ready to work.

Meanwhile, the bodyguard approached Abel's car as soon as he was done eating. The bodyguard reported, "Sir."

Abel frowned after hearing what was going on. The bodyguard asked, "Sir, should I get Kendra right now?"


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