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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 499

Chapter 499 Running into Abel

"Haha, I can guarantee that I'm able to charm Abel as a man!" Emmeline cheered.

"Hahah! Please don't be a bad influence to our dear Abel," Benjamin replied.

"Oh, you're wrong, Benjamin, Abel and I are friends and I'll make sure that I keep him straight," replied Emmeline.

"I'll look forward to it then. I'm looking forward to saving you." Benjamin teased while patting her head.

"The hair! Gosh, you've messed up my hair." Emmeline exclaimed.

So, Benjamin fixed her hair and said, "It's fine, you look great."

"You should get out then. Don't get in my way of teasing our dear Abel," said Emmeline while pushing him.

"Sure. Behave!" Benjamin pinched her cheeks.

"Look, I'm a professional racer. I have nothing to worry about. Just get out." Emmeline ushered Benjamin out. However, when he was about to open the door, Emmeline added, "Remember to take care of Kendra for me."

"Of course," replied Benjamin.

"Alright." Emmeline nodded.

Benjamin strode to his car after that.

Meanwhile, Abel had made his move as he merged into a different road. So, Emmeline's car got out of the junction and was driving straight at Abel's car. Emmeline pretended that the brakes were malfunctioning as the car screeched to a halt. This startled Luca so much that he slammed on the brakes in order to prevent a head on collision. However, just when a collision seemed to be inevitable, Emmeline's car made a sudden drift, causing a fender bender. Apparently, this act had scraped the entire side of Emmeline's car when it came to a halt. This reckless act infuriated Luca so much that he got out of the car and wanted to confront the driver. He was met with a young man when the driver got out. The driver seemed furious when he stormed over to meet Luca. Luca was shocked by this because the young man looked way too feminine. He recalled how Emmeline used to pull the same stunt in the past as well. The disguise worked so well that not even Abel was able to recognize her. However… He decided to stop thinking about the past after that.

So, Luca yelled at the young man, "Are you out of your mind?"

Emmeline snapped back at Luca, "I should be one asking you that question!"

"I was driving normally. Are you saying that you stop paying attention at the traffic lights because there aren't that many cars here?"


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