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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 500

Chapter 500 I Am A Spoiled Brat

Emmeline lit Abel's cigarette after a loud click. So, he had no choice but to allow everything to happen. The only thing was, Emmeline's cigarette was unlit.

"What should we do with the car?" Luca asked. He turned his focus to Emmeline and said, "You need to be responsible for this mess."

"Why don't you make a police report then and leave this to the police?" replied Emmeline.

"Well, what do you want to do then?" Luca asked.

"What about him then? What does he think we should do then?" Emmeline stared at Abel and said, "Say, you look really handsome."

"Forget it then," replied Abel. He continued, "Your car is damaged too and we should make our own repairs."

"Are you really going to let me off the hook that easily?" Emmeline's eyes glimmered when she asked Abel that.

"Yeah, what did you expect?" asked Abel as he continued, "What do you want?"

"Well then, how about this? Why don't you leave your cars to me and I'll have your car fixed up. I'll call you when it's done," replied Emmeline.

"There's no need for that. We'll make our own repairs. It'll be easier that way," replied Abel.

"That works too. Just bill me the repairs," said Abell.

Abel pondered for a moment and realized that the insurance would barely cover his front bumper and he worked hard for his money. Besides, it was Emmeline's fault that the accident happened and he could not blame Luca for it too.

"Sure, I'll have Luca contact you as soon as it's done." Abel nodded.

"Sure. I feel like we have quite the connection here, sir. Can I get your number?" Emmeline asked.

"You can have Luca's number." Abel sounded annoyed.

"Oh, no way. You look down on me, don't you? Look, I'm a spoiled rich kid too."

Abel glared at Emmeline and noticed how young the kid looked. He seemed to be in his twenties and was nothing more than a spoiled brat. Abel did not have the heart to hurt the child's innocence too much. So, he gave Emmeline his number.

Soon, Abel received a missed call and the true caller ID showed EM. Abel asked, "Em?"

"Yeah." Emmeline chuckled and asked, "What is your name? I'll save your contact info."

"Abel Ryker."

"Abel Ryker?" Emmeline gasped and continued, "You're Mr.Ryker from Ryker group?"


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