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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 501

Chapter 501 Successfully Fooling Abel

From inside his car, Benjamin watched as Emmeline drove off in her severely scratched and dented Bugatti. Some of the tension left him, and he immediately pulled out his phone and called the police station.

"Inspector Charles, right now, Ms. Louise is masquerading as a wealthy young man. Please make sure that all the necessary background information is in order and above suspicion; there mustn't be anything that could give the game away."

"Don't worry, Mr. Benjamin," Inspector Charles replied. "Emmett, also known as Em, right? His parents own a real estate company, and all the background information is solid. There's nothing there that will arouse suspicion."

"Alright." Benjamin nodded.

Abel would almost certainly investigate Emmeline for security purposes once her male persona, Emmett, came into contact with him, so it was imperative to have all the necessary background information ready.

Meanwhile, Emmeline drove back to the Nightfall Cafe. Benjamin, who had arrived before her, instructed Eric to have the Bugatti towed to an automotive repair center.

In the meantime, Emmeline hurried upstairs to change and remove her makeup before heading to the cafe on the first floor. Sam served her a cup of hot coffee and brought her some cream and sugar as well.

"How did it go, Ms. Louise? Did you manage to fool Mr. Abel?"

Emmeline quirked a brow. "As if he wasn't already at my mercy! He's got nowhere to run! Besides, he's already on my friends list!"

Benjamin chuckled. "Of course, our Ms. Louise was successful. I already knew you'd pull it off. Just at the expense of your poor Bugatti."

"Well, you know what they say; you gain some, you lose some." Emmeline sipped her coffee. "Lose the car, gain the children's father; same difference!"

Benjamin almost choked on his coffee. "It's…certainly not easy for you."

"I have Waylon to thank for all of this, don't forget!" Emmeline rolled her eyes, preparing to lecture Benjamin.

"Alright, alright," Benjamin said hurriedly, putting up his hands in surrender. "Have some pity on Waylon, though; after all, he's the one who's been safeguarding your interests and watching over you."

Emmeline had to admit that Benjamin had a point. When she had been at death's door, Waylon had never left her side at the hospital. After the bullet had been removed from her cardiovascular artery, he was the one who had painstakingly fed her all her medications and health tonics; without that, she would not have been able to recover so rapidly. Of course, she could not forget that Robert's skills as a healer had pulled her back from the brink of death in the first place.

"I'll bring over another car for you tomorrow," Benjamin offered. "Which one would you like?"

"I think another Bugattis would be good," Emmeline replied. "I seem to remember seeing a gray one in the villa garage."

"Alright." Benjamin nodded. "I'll have Eric take a look."

"I'll head down to the basement to look into antidotes for Worryfree then." Emmeline rose from her seat. "If you'll excuse me."

"That's fine." Benjamin finished off his coffee. "I've got a date tonight, so I can't stay here with you anyway."

"Date?" Emmeline eyed him with renewed interest. "Is it Janie, by any chance?"

"Excuse me, missy?" Benjamin playfully tapped her on the nose. "Where has your mind wandered off to, hmm?"


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