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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 502

Chapter 502 Going Drinking With Abel

"What are you laughing at?" Emmeline touched her false mustache anxiously. "Is this crooked?"

"No, no, it's not."

"Then it's the eyebrows, isn't it? What's wrong with them?" She gingerly brushed at her cosmetically-enhanced bushy brows.

"Your eyebrows are fine, Ms. Louise."

"Then?" Emmeline waited on the stairs for Sam to reply. If her disguise was lacking in some way, she would not dare set foot out the door. It would be disastrous if Abel managed to see past her subterfuge. He kept all women at arms' length; if he discovered that "Emmett" was really a female, he would have nothing to do with her.

"Well…" Sam covered her mouth and lowered her voice. "There used to be rumors around Struyria that Mr. Abel's orientation was somewhat questionable. If you get close to him, Ms. Louise, you'll be enabling him in that direction, won't you?"

"I don't have time to worry about that," Emmeline answered. "I need to get close enough to him so that I can try and make him see the light; I can't allow Evelyn to get her claws into him."

"That's true," Sam mused thoughtfully. "After all, who knows how long it's going to take to find an antidote?"

"Alright, I'm heading out." Emmeline glanced at her watch. "Abel shouldn't be too busy at this time."

"Here are your car keys." Sam opened a drawer and fished out the keys to the Bugatti. "Mr. Benjamin brought them over first thing this morning in person. He wanted to go upstairs to see you, but I told him you were still sleeping. He left after that."

"Don't forget to play matchmaker for him and Janie," Emmeline reminded. "Find an opportunity or create one."

"No worries. I've got this." Sam flashed a wide grin. "Janie's a good person."

"Oh, that reminds me." Emmeline was just about to leave when she turned around again.

"Did you forget something, Ms. Louise?" Sam glanced around, trying to spot what Emmeline might have forgotten.

"No." Emmeline strode over to Sam and scrutinized her expression. "How are things between you and Luca, by the way?"

"Huh?" Sam flushed a beautiful shade of pink. "I don't think he's even thought about that!"

"True," Emmeline said thoughtfully, nodding slowly. "Luca doesn't really have any reason to come over here and see you, does he now? I'll help you figure something out."

"Ms. Louise!" Sam covered her face with her hands, thoroughly embarrassed.

Emmeline burst out laughing and was out the door the next minute.

On the 89th floor of the Ryker Group building, Abel went back to his office after finishing a meeting and sat down. He had just poured himself a glass of water and was about to take a sip when his phone rang. He glanced at the display and saw the caller was "Em".

Em? Ahh yes, now he remembered; that was the young man from yesterday whose car had knocked into his. That had been their only encounter, yet the brat had the cheek to consider him a "friend!" Furthermore, he had promised to let the boy buy him a drink today.

The more Abel thought about it, the more reluctant he felt, but it would not do to go back on his word.

"Mr. Ryker! It's me, Emmett!" Em's bright, cheerful voice came over the line. "Em, from yesterday, in case you've forgotten. You promised you'd let me buy you drinks today!"

"Ahh, yes." Abel sipped at his water. "I haven't forgotten."

"I'm at the plaza down here," Emmeline answered. "The security guards wouldn't let me park, so I've left the car engine running."

"The pleze?" Abel got up end went to the window. It wes too fer down to see cleerly, so he picked up the telescope on the window sill end peered through it. There wes indeed e grey cer on the pleze; no cers were ellowed to perk there. "I see. Weit for me there; I'll be down in e few minutes."

"Where should we go, though?" Emmeline wondered.


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