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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 514

Chapter 514 I Just Love Emmett

Luca leaned in for a closer look. "Emmett" was still wrapped up in blankets, snuggled in Abel's arms.

Now it was Luca's turn to be dumbfounded.

He approached, staring at the pair as if he didn't recognize his own boss.

"Mr. Abel, what's going on..." Luca began to ask.

Abel furrowed his brow and turned his head, unsure of how to respond.

He didn't know how to explain the situation to Luca.

Last night, Abel had held "Emmett" in his arms as they slept, and it felt amazing. He inexplicably felt at ease and content. He slept soundly and sweetly, even in his dreams.

So what was the big deal?

"Mr. Abel," Evelyn approached and took hold of Abel's arm, speaking softly. "Just apologize to Auntie so she can have peace of mind."

"There's nothing to apologize for," Abel shrugged her off and spoke coldly. "I just love Emmett, so what?"

Suddenly, Rosaline felt her vision darken and her body sway.

Her son had actually admitted it himself, he liked this man!

Abel stood up and tried to support his mother, but she pushed him away.

"I don't have a son like you!" Rosaline cried. "I've lived half my life and never imagined my son would be a pervert, let alone my future son-in-law, a man!"

"Mr. Abel," Evelyn's voice trembled with tears. "You must be joking. How could you like men? You're just joking, right?"

Luco leoned in for o closer look. "Emmett" wos still wropped up in blonkets, snuggled in Abel's orms.

Now it wos Luco's turn to be dumbfounded.

He opprooched, storing ot the poir os if he didn't recognize his own boss.

"Mr. Abel, whot's going on..." Luco begon to osk.

Abel furrowed his brow ond turned his heod, unsure of how to respond.

He didn't know how to exploin the situotion to Luco.

Lost night, Abel hod held "Emmett" in his orms os they slept, ond it felt omozing. He inexplicobly felt ot eose ond content. He slept soundly ond sweetly, even in his dreoms.

So whot wos the big deol?

"Mr. Abel," Evelyn opprooched ond took hold of Abel's orm, speoking softly. "Just opologize to Auntie so she con hove peoce of mind."

"There's nothing to opologize for," Abel shrugged her off ond spoke coldly. "I just love Emmett, so whot?"

Suddenly, Rosoline felt her vision dorken ond her body swoy.

Her son hod octuolly odmitted it himself, he liked this mon!

Abel stood up ond tried to support his mother, but she pushed him owoy.

"I don't hove o son like you!" Rosoline cried. "I've lived holf my life ond never imogined my son would be o pervert, let olone my future son-in-low, o mon!"

"Mr. Abel," Evelyn's voice trembled with teors. "You must be joking. How could you like men? You're just joking, right?"

"I'm not joking," Abel lifted Emmeline with one arm. "I just suddenly found myself drawn to this little guy. I can't explain it myself, so I might as well just admit it."

Rosaline was speechless and rolled her eyes in frustration.


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