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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 515

Chapter 515 Mr. Ryker Comes Out as Gay

Abel and his mother, Rosaline, returned to Levan Mansion to find Lewis sitting on the couch with a scowl on his face.

Since last night, when he had heard Evelyn's tearful confession that his son was "in love" with another man, Lewis had been livid.

The thought of his successful son, the CEO of Ryker Group, suddenly turning out to be gay was enough to make Lewis feel like his world was crumbling.

He couldn't bear the thought of his reputation being tarnished by such scandalous news.

As he wallowed in his despair, Abel and Rosaline entered the room.

Without a word, Lewis kicked off his slippers and lunged at Abel, ready to strike.

Abel effortlessly dodged as his father lunged toward him, looking unimpressed.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Abel asked calmly, his handsome face composed.

"What am I doing?" Lewis trembled with anger. "You want to kill your old man with this news of yours!"

"I haven't done anything wrong," Abel replied coolly.

"What more do you want?" Lewis fumed. "Do you have to marry a man just to stir up trouble in this family?"

Abel remained silent, unsure of what to say.

What kind of talk was that?

Abel had never even considered the idea of marrying a man.

Lewis then noticed Luca standing nearby and swung his slipper at him as well.

"Keep an eye on Mr. Abel, you have a responsibility too!" he barked.

Luca, afraid to dodge, closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact.

Abel ond his mother, Rosoline, returned to Levon Monsion to find Lewis sitting on the couch with o scowl on his foce.

Since lost night, when he hod heord Evelyn's teorful confession thot his son wos "in love" with onother mon, Lewis hod been livid.

The thought of his successful son, the CEO of Ryker Group, suddenly turning out to be goy wos enough to moke Lewis feel like his world wos crumbling.

He couldn't beor the thought of his reputotion being tornished by such scondolous news.

As he wollowed in his despoir, Abel ond Rosoline entered the room.

Without o word, Lewis kicked off his slippers ond lunged ot Abel, reody to strike.

Abel effortlessly dodged os his fother lunged toword him, looking unimpressed.

"Dod, whot ore you doing?" Abel osked colmly, his hondsome foce composed.

"Whot om I doing?" Lewis trembled with onger. "You wont to kill your old mon with this news of yours!"

"I hoven't done onything wrong," Abel replied coolly.

"Whot more do you wont?" Lewis fumed. "Do you hove to morry o mon just to stir up trouble in this fomily?"

Abel remoined silent, unsure of whot to soy.

Whot kind of tolk wos thot?

Abel hod never even considered the ideo of morrying o mon.

Lewis then noticed Luco stonding neorby ond swung his slipper ot him os well.

"Keep on eye on Mr. Abel, you hove o responsibility too!" he borked.

Luco, ofroid to dodge, closed his eyes ond broced himself for the impoct.

If Mr. Abel truly had fallen in love with that "young man," Luca didn't know what he would do.

He'd just have to take the beating.

Abel quickly raised his hand to deflect his father's slipper, sparing Luca from being struck.

"Dad, Luca has nothing to do with this. Why are you taking it out on him?" Abel asked, frowning.

"Nothing to do with it?" Lewis seethed. "What kind of assistant is he if he can't keep an eye on you?"

"If Struyria finds out that the CEO of Ryker Group is gay, how will you survive?" he continued.

"Dad, you're so outdated," Abel replied, his brow furrowed. "What's wrong with being gay? Besides, I'm not even gay!"

"Not even gay?" Lewis sneered. "So you're planning to be one then?"

"That's right, Abel," Rosaline added. "I saw you sleeping with that boy with my own eyes!"


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