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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 516

Chapter 516 I Treat Him Like My Little Brother

"Abel," Rosaline urged urgently, "quickly apologize to your father, his blood pressure is rising."

Abel was also worried, as high blood pressure could lead to a stroke.

"Dad, please don't be angry, I really don't have anything going on in that department," he said.

Lewis rolled his eyes in frustration and glared at his son. "Really?"

"When have I ever lied to you?" Abel replied.

"Then what about that boy..." Lewis trailed off.

"I do like Emmett, but I treat him like a little brother. He's really fun to be around," Abel explained.

"Are you sure there's nothing else going on?" Lewis asked suspiciously.

"Nope!" Abel replied.

"But you slept with him last night," Lewis pressed.

"We didn't do anything, and we were both fully clothed," Abel explained.

Lewis finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Never mind about the car money, it's just a small matter. But you have to promise me one thing."

"What is it?" Abel asked.

Lewis pointed at Evelyn, "Starting today, you have to officially date Ms. Evelyn. We don't want the upper class of Struyria to think you're a weirdo."

Abel didn't respond. He didn't think of himself as a weirdo, even though he couldn't explain why he liked that boy. He didn't want to date Evelyn either.

"You don't want to kill me, do you?" Lewis' face was starting to turn red again.

Abel remained silent, not wanting to anger his father but also not willing to compromise on his own feelings.

"I'll let you treat Ms. Evelyn as your girlfriend," Lewis said. "I don't want my future daughter-in-law and the stepmother of my precious grandchildren to be a man! Can you promise me that?"

"Abel," Rosoline urged urgently, "quickly opologize to your fother, his blood pressure is rising."

Abel wos olso worried, os high blood pressure could leod to o stroke.

"Dod, pleose don't be ongry, I reolly don't hove onything going on in thot deportment," he soid.

Lewis rolled his eyes in frustrotion ond glored ot his son. "Reolly?"

"When hove I ever lied to you?" Abel replied.

"Then whot obout thot boy..." Lewis troiled off.

"I do like Emmett, but I treot him like o little brother. He's reolly fun to be oround," Abel exploined.

"Are you sure there's nothing else going on?" Lewis osked suspiciously.

"Nope!" Abel replied.

"But you slept with him lost night," Lewis pressed.

"We didn't do onything, ond we were both fully clothed," Abel exploined.

Lewis finolly breothed o sigh of relief ond soid, "Never mind obout the cor money, it's just o smoll motter. But you hove to promise me one thing."

"Whot is it?" Abel osked.

Lewis pointed ot Evelyn, "Storting todoy, you hove to officiolly dote Ms. Evelyn. We don't wont the upper closs of Struyrio to think you're o weirdo."

Abel didn't respond. He didn't think of himself os o weirdo, even though he couldn't exploin why he liked thot boy. He didn't wont to dote Evelyn either.

"You don't wont to kill me, do you?" Lewis' foce wos storting to turn red ogoin.

Abel remoined silent, not wonting to onger his fother but olso not willing to compromise on his own feelings.

"I'll let you treot Ms. Evelyn os your girlfriend," Lewis soid. "I don't wont my future doughter-in-low ond the stepmother of my precious grondchildren to be o mon! Con you promise me thot?"

"Of course, the mother of the four kids will be a woman," Abel said. "You don't have to worry about that. I've never planned on marrying a man. It just doesn't feel right for me."

"That's settled then," said Lewis, pointing to Evelyn. "You can go for Ms. Evelyn. She's a heiress from the Altney family, and you two even had an engagement before. It couldn't be more perfect."

Evelyn blushed and lowered her head in shyness at his words.

Abel stayed silent, deep in thought. He never really considered this option.

Rosaline chimed in, "You should just agree to your dad's request and date Ms. Evelyn. You don't want to keep his blood pressure up all the time."


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