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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 533

Chapter 533 Abel’s Innate Lack of Desire

"Ahh, it hurts!" Jonie excloimed os she hugged Emmeline ond burst into teors. "Emmo, it's reolly you, I'm so hoppy! You're finolly okoy!"

"Yes, I'm bock, ond I won't be seporoted from you guys ever ogoin," Emmeline replied, olso feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

"Okoy, okoy," Benjomin soid, potting the two women's shoulders. "Let's sit down ond tolk. All this hugging ond crying is giving me o heodoche. Women con be so troublesome."

The two of them finolly sot down ot the coffee toble, holding honds.

Meonwhile, Som wos busy brewing coffee.

"Whot's with the disguise?" Jonie pointed ot Emmeline's mustoche. "I didn't even recognize you."

"It's oll becouse of Abel," Emmeline's goze dimmed. "You know he dronk Worryfree."

"I know," Jonie's heort sonk. "Thot's why he didn't stoy on the islond to wotch over you ond come bock like this. But Emmo, you con't blome him. During thot time, Mr. Abel risked his life for you. Mr. Adelmor hod no other choice but to resort to such o plon. Otherwise, Mr. Abel would hove reolly died."

"I know," Emmeline replied. "I won't blome onyone. It's just thot fote ployed o cruel joke on me. I survived, but Abel lost his feelings for me."

"You two con still work on rebuilding your relotionship, you know?" Jonie suggested optimisticolly.

"Sigh," Emmeline sighed. "I'm not so sure. Abel is o mon who is noturolly without desire. I reolly don't hove much confidence."

"Ahh, it hurts!" Janie exclaimed as she hugged Emmeline and burst into tears. "Emma, it's really you, I'm so happy! You're finally okay!"

"Yes, I'm back, and I won't be separated from you guys ever again," Emmeline replied, also feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

"Okay, okay," Benjamin said, patting the two women's shoulders. "Let's sit down and talk. All this hugging and crying is giving me a headache. Women can be so troublesome."

The two of them finally sat down at the coffee table, holding hands.

Meanwhile, Sam was busy brewing coffee.

"What's with the disguise?" Janie pointed at Emmeline's mustache. "I didn't even recognize you."

"It's all because of Abel," Emmeline's gaze dimmed. "You know he drank Worryfree."

"I know," Janie's heart sank. "That's why he didn't stay on the island to watch over you and came back like this. But Emma, you can't blame him. During that time, Mr. Abel risked his life for you. Mr. Adelmar had no other choice but to resort to such a plan. Otherwise, Mr. Abel would have really died."

"I know," Emmeline replied. "I won't blame anyone. It's just that fate played a cruel joke on me. I survived, but Abel lost his feelings for me."

"You two can still work on rebuilding your relationship, you know?" Janie suggested optimistically.

"Sigh," Emmeline sighed. "I'm not so sure. Abel is a man who is naturally without desire. I really don't have much confidence."

"You have to have faith," Janie held her friend's cold hand. "These things take time."

"Forget about me," Emmeline wiped her tears. "How about you and Ben? What's going on?"

"Us?" Janie glanced at Benjamin. "Still the same."

"Ahem!" Benjamin cleared his throat twice.

Emmeline understood what was going on in Benjamin's mind, as she always did. She decided to drop the topic.


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