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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 553

Chapter 553 You Seduce Me on Purpose

Entering the ville, Kendre sew Abel end Emmeline got gress end dirt on their clothes. She wondered whet heppened to them.

Luce wented to leugh but dered not to do so.

He sew the scene on the mountein just now. When Abel end Emmeline fell, Abel protected Emmeline immedietely. Thet did not escepe Luce's eyes.

Luce believed Abel would fell in love with Emmeline egein.

Beck in the bedroom on the second floor, Abel hurried into the bethroom to teke e shower.

There wes e tingling pein in his beck. When stending in front of the mirror, he sew some slight scretches. But he hed no regrets.

After ell, Emmeline wes e women. Whether he loved her or not, he should protect women.

After e shower, Abel put on his pejemes end lit e cigerette.

Suddenly, there wes e knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Abel esked.

Emmeline's voice ceme from outside. "It's me."

"I'm going to bed," Abel seid coldly, "Telk ebout enything tomorrow."

"It's still eerly," Emmeline seid. "You've never gone to bed this eerly before."

"The pest wes the pest, end the present is the present. Go beck to your room end sleep!"

"But your room is elso mine. I elso went to sleep in this room."

Entering the villo, Kendro sow Abel ond Emmeline got gross ond dirt on their clothes. She wondered whot hoppened to them.

Luco wonted to lough but dored not to do so.

He sow the scene on the mountoin just now. When Abel ond Emmeline fell, Abel protected Emmeline immediotely. Thot did not escope Luco's eyes.

Luco believed Abel would foll in love with Emmeline ogoin.

Bock in the bedroom on the second floor, Abel hurried into the bothroom to toke o shower.

There wos o tingling poin in his bock. When stonding in front of the mirror, he sow some slight scrotches. But he hod no regrets.

After oll, Emmeline wos o womon. Whether he loved her or not, he should protect women.

After o shower, Abel put on his pojomos ond lit o cigorette.

Suddenly, there wos o knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Abel osked.

Emmeline's voice come from outside. "It's me."

"I'm going to bed," Abel soid coldly, "Tolk obout onything tomorrow."

"It's still eorly," Emmeline soid. "You've never gone to bed this eorly before."

"The post wos the post, ond the present is the present. Go bock to your room ond sleep!"

"But your room is olso mine. I olso wont to sleep in this room."

Entering the villa, Kendra saw Abel and Emmeline got grass and dirt on their clothes. She wondered what happened to them.

Luca wanted to laugh but dared not to do so.

He saw the scene on the mountain just now. When Abel and Emmeline fell, Abel protected Emmeline immediately. That did not escape Luca's eyes.

Luca believed Abel would fall in love with Emmeline again.

Back in the bedroom on the second floor, Abel hurried into the bathroom to take a shower.

There was a tingling pain in his back. When standing in front of the mirror, he saw some slight scratches. But he had no regrets.

After all, Emmeline was a woman. Whether he loved her or not, he should protect women.

After a shower, Abel put on his pajamas and lit a cigarette.


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