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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 15

A witness to punishment.
A while ago John found me in the bathroom, crying and thinking about Max. He saw something in me and decided I couldn’t be allowed my current amount of freedom. Freedom, that’s got to be a sick joke of his. I hate to think it, but I was freer at the Mountain pack under my father’s rule than I am here. I’ve been in this cage since he found me. I’m not sure how long I’ve been down here, I’ve been fed three times, but I can’t use that as a gauge of time as sometimes we can go four or five days without food. I’m cold because John had one of his lackeys. come and take my clothing, I thought being n*ked for their eyes was my punishment. I was wrong.
When I first got here it didn’t take long for the rogues to realise the females in the cages were using each other as comfort. We would talk about our time before the cages, talk about our mates or what we hope our mate will be. We would send calming words out into the room when someone was crying so much you could feel their pain in your bones. It was all we had. me especially. My cage has Eve on my right and a white-haired female called Eliza on my left. Neither had their mates and we would spend hours, maybe even days talking about our dream mate. Eve wanted a man who was strong, caring and would allow her the freedom to run as a wolf whenever she wanted. She wanted to be able to cook for them, clean. keep their home and raise pups. Eliza once told me that she wanted someone as strong as her, she was the second in command warrior in her pack. If her Head Warrior failed for some reason, she would take up the gauntlet. She wanted someone who could spar with her without fear of hurting them. someone who would hold her, someone whose love would make her stronger not weaker. When they asked me, I never shared my thoughts. I had met my mate, Max. I hadn’t told them about Max. I was scared.
the Moon Goddess has to have made a mistake. When I close my eyes. when I pretend, I’m safe and I try to sleep. I see a bearded man with green eyes deeper than emeralds, I smell white chocolate and freshly printed parchment. I can never quite make out his face, but I know it’s
not Max.
‘Be ready, he’s coming.”
‘WINTER? Where have you been?’
‘I’ve been here for a while but if John senses me, it’s all over. Be ready
‘Ready for what?”
My wolf speaks to me for the first time in months. I’m overjoyed but enraged too. Could it be anymore cryptic? Just as I’m pondering this the door to the basement opens and a rogue starts pulling a female down the stairs. She’s being pulled by her white blonde hair. Eliza is screaming and shouting to be let go.
“Shut up, you carned this punishment, and all you females need to see what happens when you decide to not do your job!” I’ve seen this rogue before. I don’t know his name, he stinks. He has a constant smell of sweat about him, I swear he doesn’t know what soap and water is. He’s got short hair, so short I can’t even tell the colour. He has a wine tattoo up and down his arms. they lead to a family tree on his chest. He speaks with this nasally squeak that makes me think he’s had his nose broken one too many times.
As he and Eliza make it to the bottom of the stairs. I realise she is n*ked, the rogue throws her to the floor in front of him. She has bruises all over her and the unmistakable smell of male seed reaches my nose. She’s been violated and from the blood on her hands she fought back, hard.
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“You are all here for one reason!” He started undoing his jeans. “You make us money, or you die, that’s it. No other option!” As he lowers his jeans, he starts to tug his member to full length. I turn in my cage to face the wall behind me. I can’t watch this! I hear him grunt and Eliza call out for help as he thrusts deep into her. His jeans are dragging along the floor with each movement, I can hear the other females. crying and begging for him to stop. The sounds of skin on skin speed. up as I hear Eliza gasping for breath, he is choking her. I s*b as my friend is violated, this is a new torture, this isn’t being made to service. a man, this is being degraded in front of a room full of people forced to watch. He grunts and moans as he spills himself inside of her, when he is done, I can hear his jeans being pulled up and Eliza sobbing uncontrollably. I turn in time to watch him drag Eliza to her cage next to me, he throws her in and locks the door. Smiling at me he turns and leaves the basement.
“Eliza…” I squeeze myself up against the cage bars to try and reach her, but she’s curled herself into a ball. “Eliza. I’m here.” She doesn’t answer me, she cries for a long time until I think she’s finally drifted into sleep. I curl into my own ball and close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths and try to block out the sounds of tears, chatter and the constant sounds of S*x above me. I fall into a restless sleep, my dreamst are filled with green eyes and Winter running with a black wolf.
“Time to wake up, Stain.” I jerk awake when I hear that name. “We have a special guest in need of attention.” I slowly crawl out of my cage and stand on shaky legs. I keep my eyes on the floor as my brother hands me a ratty shirt that comes to just above my knees.
“I thought…I thought…” I’m stammering. I don’t stammer or at least I haven’t before. I’m nervous.
“You thought what?” My brother drags my chin up so I’m looking him in the eyes, “don’t worry, Stain. No one will touch you. this guest likes an audience and he’s paid good money for some wh*res to watch him. I

ess to punishment
thought you would like the entertainment.” With that he grabs my hand and pulls me through the basement up into the kitchen. We pass. the front room where a female is having her head shoved down on a greasy looking male. As we head upstairs, I can hear the sounds of S*x from males and th whimpers and shouts of pain from the females. inside of the rooms we pass. We come to the door at the end and enter.


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