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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 16

A forced mating


As I watch I can’t help but remember the saying it’s like watching a trainwreck about to happen. After we enter the room. I notice three other females standing n*ked against the far wall and one tied to the bed, spread eagle with what looks like a very rough and secure rope. She has a ball gag in her mouth with spit dripping down the side. John doesn’t say anything, he simply lifts my shirt and leaves me standing there n*ked next to the other three females and leaves the room


After a short while I’m still staring at the floor when the bedroom door opens aga 

again. At first, I’m confused by what my nose is telling me. the man who has entered is no rogue. I sneak a look through my lashes and 

tall man with red hair, a toned b*dy and strong facial features. I don’t see more as I quickly dart my eyes to the floor. As a wolf we can smell a lot, rogues have a distinct scent, it’s dirty, rough and almost stale you can almost smell the feral wolf within. Pack wolvesscent like the pack, you can smell other pack members on them, the scent of love, loyalty and care. It’s hard to describe but they are two different scents. The man in front of us is a pack wolf and an Alpha at that. What is a Pack Alpha doing here

Ah yes, you will all do nicely.His voice is low and seductive. it’s as he turns to the woman on the bed that I realise I have no idea who she is. prêt mon amour?the woman on the bed gives a nod then looks at the ceiling. The male takes a whip and starts k*ssing her thighs with it. it’s not a heavy slap more a testing k*ss. Oh, I don’t want to see this. You see my Luna likes to perform, we have a place like this in the French Quarter, but they are for putes consentantes, how do you sayah yes, willing whores.” 


I’m shocked that this is an Alpha and Luna, how can they not help us. He’s moved his whips to the centre of her stomach and he’s hitting her harder. The Luna is bowing her back off the bed, she seems to be whimpering for more around the ball gag. The whip is swapped out for what looks like a giant paddle, Goddess that must hurt. Just as he is about to land a hit on her n*ked breast there is a knock on the door

WHAT?!The male is obviously annoyed at the interruption. John 

enters the room and comes over to me

I’m sorry Callum but we must take this one, she has a buyer waiting for her. We will bring another in for you.” 

Oui, oui, just hurry. My Luna is getting needy.I am quickly pulled from the room with a bruising grip. John drags me down to the lounge, completely n*ked, I am moving so quickly that when John stops. I fall to my knees. I don’t need to look up to see who is in the room, the smell of lavender and bluebells tells me Max is here. My time is 

  1. up

As promised, her virtue is intact, and her submission is beautifully givenJohn sounds almost proud

Perfect, the money is in the account you gave me. We will be going now.Max picks me up bridal style and for the first time in almost a year I see the sun. At first the light is blinding, and I have to close my eyes because it hurts so much. I’m not in the sun for long though, I’m very quickly placed inside a vehicle. When I open my eyes, we are in the back of a limousine darkened by the tinted windows. I tuck myself up and scoot as far away from Max as I can. He is staring at me, at first, I thought his eyes were black, but they are actually a deep shade of brown

What is your name?he asks in his thick accent. I refuse to answer him and stare at my knees instead. We have started moving, I don’t know where we are going but I pray to the Goddess that we don’t make it. Well it doesn’t matter. When we get to the room we will be mated 


and I will plant my pup inside of you.I gasp at this, he doesn’t want a mate, he wants a pup maker. Like out of some spy movie he presses a button and a small hidden cupboard opens. Inside he has a bottle of whiskey, two glasses and a cigar box. He pours himself two fingers of whiskey and slowly sips it as we drive to wherever he’s taking me

With the windows being dark I can’t see where we are going, it’s really disorienting. Just as I feel a gurgling in my stomach the car slows and the doors at the front of the car open. Alright mate of mine, let’s get this doneHe opens the door and drags me out of the car

I start to panic, I don’t want to go with him and I’m still n*ked as the day I was born, I don’t want people to see me. I shouldn’t of worried. though, when we are out of the car I notice we aren’t at a hotel or a house, we are at a cabin in the middle of the woods. Woods are good, we can run in the woods. I can make us run really fast.Winter sounds. sure but I don’t know how she expects me to get away long enough to shift for the first time. You are Omega, let me worry about the shifting. That’s easy enough for her to say. I’m not paying attention to what is happening. I’m too busy listening to Winter, so I don’t see the slap coming for me until it hits. Max strikes me across the face so hard. I almost black out, the man has hands the size of sauce pans

Do. Not. Ignore. Me.with each word he gets closer and closer to my face. I said go inside, upstairs you will find one bedroom. I want you on your the bed by the time I come up.” 

knees next to 

I don’t dare disobey him, so I enter the house as quickly as I can. I’m rushing so much I don’t even take time to look at the cabin, I locate the stairs and bolt up them as fast as my legs will take me. I’m shaky and a little dizzy from the lack of food and the slap I just took. I stumble halfway up the stairs but I quickly correct myself and make it to the open plan bedroom. The first thing I notice is the massive bed, it’s huge, it must fit six people and still have space. I hear the door downstairs open so I quickly drop to my knees. I hear Max at the 



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