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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 213

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 46.
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Cas’s soft lips on mine have rendered me imobile, all I seem to be able to do is hold myself still as his lips s lant over mine. He’s not touching me anywhere else yet I feel like I could explode from the heat he’s pulling from me, when his tongue teases my lips I gasp. As soon as his tongue touches mine his taste explodes on my tongue, it’s only the second time he’s kissed me. I’m already addicted to him. Needing to feel him I carefully slide my hands up his toned arms and wrap them around his muscled neck. He seems to take this as an agreement to his advances because his hand comes up into my hair pulling me closer to him.
“Cas,” his name leaves my lips on a gasp. I’m trying to tell him to stop, that I can’t do this but my nails dig into his shoulders as he trails kisses down my neck. “I don’t.” his lips hit this spot under my ear and my entire body goes to jelly, I feel myself fall back on the bed as my eyes close.
“Don’t worry Angel, I’m just going to play a little.” My legs open as if they have a mind of their own and he instantly settles between them. Thanks to me wearing nothing under the towel I can feel him all over me, I throw my head back on the bed as I feel the muscles of his legs force my thighs further apart. “I won’t take you until you ask, just can’t keep my hands off you.” Knowing he won’t force me to do anything I don’t want, I slowly explore his back with my hands as starts to leave kisses along my exposed collarbone. I feel every muscle as he holds himself over me with one hand, I feel all down his side until I reach the waistband of his joggers.
His Rogue Omega. Chapter 46.
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Opening my eyes I see his shoulder and lean forward to leave a gentle kiss on it, I’ve never felt anything like this. I want it to stop and never stop all at the same time, I can smell my own arousal as he keeps tracing my exposed skin. Without even meaning to I grab his as s and pull him into me, my back bows as his covered co ck slams against my centre. The towel has opened slightly so I can feel his chest against the bottom of my stomach, his skin against mine is making me lose my mind.
“Tell me to stop.” His words sound like he is speaking with clenched teeth as he holds himself in the crook of my neck. I feel him shake as my nails dig into his jogger covered as s, when I don’t say anything to stop him his hand leaves my hair and goes down to my leg. He shuffles a little and then he’s opening me more before thrusting upwards just slightly.
“Cas.” I feel a rush of wetness as his c ock splits my folds open, the roughness of his joggers is just adding to the sensations he’s forcing my body to feel.
“Tell me to stop.” I open my eyes to see him holding himself above me, his hand is holding my leg up on his hip and his face is flushed, he looks almost like he’s in pain. “Tell me to stop or I’m going to come in my pants like a da mn teenager.” Lifting my other leg I wrap it around his waist and use my hands on his as s to pull him into me.
“Please,” I’ve never felt anything like this and I don’t want it to stop. Ca s’s eyes open, his once chocolate brown eyes look completely black thanks to his blown pupils. I can’t look away as he starts to slowly push himself against me, thanks to his thin joggers I can feel everything as if there was nothing between us. He keeps hitting my cl it in a way that is driving me crazy, my hands and legs tighten on him, urging him to faster.
“One day, I’m going to bury myself so deep in this heat that you won’t
His Rogue Omega Chapter 46
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know where I end and you begin.” I gasp as he adds a twist to his hips, throwing my head back. I close my eyes, his gaze is too intense, it’s like he’s looking right into my soul. “Open your eyes Angel. You’re about to miss the best part.” I shake my head from side to side as his thrusting speeds up, “now Angel, open them.” I can’t ignore the command in his voice and the second I open my eyes his co ck hits my cl it and I explode. It’s like a firework goes off inside of me, it starts where we are joined and ricochets through my whole body until I’m as limp as a noddle. I’m shaking as Cas’s hand tightens on my thigh, his arm next to my head starts to shake and he holds himself still.
“Eva!” My name on his lips is like a prayer as I feel a warmth join my wetness, bowing his head until our foreheads touch he pants as he shakes above me.
I’m still trying to catch my breath when Cas rolls off me and flops down on the bed beside me.
“I’m sorry Angel, I actually meant to cover you up so that didn’t happen.” I’m not sure if it’s coming down from the high or hearing him apologise for pushing me over but I feel tears form and roll down my face. “Whoa, whoa, why the tears? Did I hurt you?” I feel his hands patting down my side and legs and it just makes me cry harder. “Eva, please talk to me. I don’t understand what I did.”
“I’ve never,” I suck in a breath as I try to calm myself down. “I’ve never, it’s never been like that before.” Cas appears above me, gone is the concern, his face is being split by a massive grin.
“Only me?” His eyes sparkle as I laugh a little and nod my head, “what happened to having better?”
“I might have lied a little.” His head rolls to the side as he starts full belly laughing, “was it, was it,” I blush from stammering, the nerves
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His Rogue Omega. Chapter 46.
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filling my belly are suddenly feeling like a led weight. “Did I do okay?” Cas instantly stops laughing and his whole body goes rigid.
“Angel,” he places a soft peck against my neck before leaning in to whisper in my car. “I came in my pants like a da mn kid, the only way it could have been better was if I was buried in that warm wetness I felt against me.” I shiver as he pushes his forehead against my cheek and pushes himself off the bed, “I need to shower. Don’t move.” I bite my lip and nod my head as I look down at the massive wet patch over his cr otch, it’s a mixture of both of us, sniffing I inhale the intoxicating mixture of scents. He winks at me before jogging into the bathroom, I see his as s again as he drops his joggers just before closing the door.
‘Now, go now. Put some da mn clothes on and run.’ I roll my eyes at Ghost as I pull the towel around me and just stare at the ceiling.
‘I’m not leaving,’ I think I knew the second Storm came running through the trees that I had made a mistake. ‘I won’t leave, you need to get over your issues. We are staying right here and unless you know something I don’t that isn’t going to change.’ I don’t know where this confidence has come from but I think I’m done having my wolf push
me around.
‘One org asm and you are putty in his hands, girl you can get that with ten dollars and a decent internet connection.’ I shake my head at her, I know she’s not right. I’ve been kissed, touched, f ucked and rubbed against, none of them even compare to the fireworks Cas set off inside of me.
‘I like him, Ghost, don’t make me leave. I could have a life here, for the first time ever, I could have a family and friends.’ I don’t know what happens but one second Ghost is huffing and puffing and the next there is a searing pain down my arm. Screaming out I sit bolt upright in the bed and look down to see blood rolling down my arm and three
His Roque Omega: Chapter 46.
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long claw marks.
“Eva, what the hell?” I turn towards the bathroom door while cradling my arm, “what happened?” Cas comes running over to me with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“I told Ghost I wouldn’t leave.” I hiss as Cas slowly unbends my arm and starts to twist it in the light, “I don’t understand.”
“Ghost did this, Eva, she’s feral. You’ve kept her locked away for too long, you won’t do as she says so now she’s taking her anger out on you.” The worry in Cas’s eyes has me feeling really worried just as I feel myself pulled backwards.
“We are leaving.” I’m speaking but the voice coming out isn’t mine, it’s too low and full of anger.
“Ghost, you back down now.” I feel a pressure on my chest and I’m pulled forwards, gasping for breath and flop down onto the bed and cradle my arm.
“Cas, what’s happening?” When he doesn’t answer me I look over at him to see his face has a blank look on it. “Cas?” I shout his name and
he shakes his head.
“Selena is coming now, she’ll patch you up.” I shake my head, I don’t care about me, I don’t understand what’s happening and I need him to explain.
“Cas, what’s happening?” Cas just sits down on the bed next to me and shakes his head.
“Nothing good Angel.” The panic rising up in me only gets worse as I feel another sharp pain, this time in my leg. It’s so sharp that I scream out loudly causing Cas to jump up from the bed. I feel Ghost growl, it’s so loud it vibrates through my head, I’m not sure if it’s Ghost’s
His Rogue Omega: Chapter 46.
growling or the pain but thankfully I fall into a blissful darkness.
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