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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 214

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 47.
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‘Where are you? I need you here now, she’s getting worse.’ I shout at Selena over the Pack link, it’s not often I panic but I can feel it rising up in me right now. Eva now has three long claw marks down her left arm and down her right leg, it’s like Ghost is tearing her up from the inside.
‘I’m coming, I was at Susan’s. What do you mean getting worse? What’s going on?’ I just shake my head at Selena’s voice, I can hear her huffing and puffing so I know she’s running.
‘Just get here and don’t forget your medical bag.’ I shut the link off as I try to stop the bleeding on Eva’s leg, I’ve pulled the towel from around my waist and I’m pressing it tightly against her skin. When Ghost clawed at her leg she thankfully passed out from the pain, her cries and screams of pain was setting all the hairs on my body on end.
‘Storm, tell me you know what’s happening?’ I can feel him pacing around inside of me, his panic is just as high as my own.
‘I have no idea, Ghost has shut me down. I can’t reach her at all,’ that makes my panic worse because I know as mates Storm should always be able to feel Ghost. If he can’t feel her at all then it means something really bad is happening, I just wish I understood what it was.
“There’s no reason for you to be here, you didn’t need to follow me.” As soon as Selena opens the bedroom door I start growling, the scent of a male has me leaning over Eva-to hide her partly naked body from
whoever it is. A deeper snill tells me it’s the last male I ever want to see my mate while she’s unconscious and vulnerable.
“Jesus did you attack her or uck her?” Vince steps into the room sniffing the air he seems completely oblivious to my growling,
“Vince, leave. You can’t be here right now, I told you not to follow me.” Selena tries to pull me off Eva but I just growl, I’m not moving while Vince is in the room. “Rowan, come and help me. I can’t get to Eva with Vince in the room.” I didn’t realise Rowan was here too which just goes to show how hyper focused I am on Vince. A small sigh of relief leaves my mouth as Rowan Steps into the bedroom, his eyes flick from me and then to Eva, he doesn’t say anything at all. He simply walks over to Vince, who is still sniffing the air, grabs his left hand, twists it around his back and up to his neck before frog marching him from the room.
“You put some clothes on Alpha or me and you will be having words next.” I close my eyes and try to relax my body as I listen to Vince shout and scream about being manhandled.
“Alpha, you need to move now. She’s already bled through the towel so I need to figure out why she’s bleeding so much.” Nodding my head I step back from Eva, as soon as I’m clear, Selena jumps in and starts removing the towel. She instantly replaces them with white gauze, she’s so caught up in helping Eva that I don’t think she’s even realised I’ m standing behind her, completely naked and covered in blood.
“Alpha, please get dressed before my wolf loses his control, I can’t take this.” I glance over at the door to see Rowan holding onto the door frame, his face is sweating and red which is a testament to how hard his wolf is fighting. Walking backwards to the drawers I pull out some basketball shorts and step into them, I don’t take my eyes of Eva or Selena the entire time.
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 47.
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“Rowan come and hold this up.” Selena holds a clear bag of something that she’s attached to Eva’s arm with a tube and needle.
“Selena what’s happening to her?” She doesn’t answer, she just shakes her head before shifting so she can look at Eva’s arm.
“Her wolf did this? Are you sure?” I can hear the disbelief in her tone as she starts to sew Eva’s arm closed, if I hadn’t seen it myself I don’t think I would have believed it either.
“I was in the shower, when I came out she was cradling her arm. There were no other scents in her and she said her wolf was pis sed at her. She’s feral, her wolf has been trying to get her to leave.” I go to rub at my forehead but the red blood drying on my hands stops me, “I don’t understand any of this. Her wolf shouldn’t be able to physically hurt her.”
“Doesn’t Alpha Fraction have an Omega mate? Maybe he can shed some light on this, I mean maybe he knows something about Omega wolves that we don’t.” I nod my head at Rowan as he walks over to me, his arms are crossed and I appreciate the way he’s keeping his back to Eva. “Go and call him, you’ll only be in the next room. Looks like Selena is going to have a few hours stitching here anyway.”
“He’s right Cas, I’ll send Rowan if anything changes.” I don’t want to leave Eva while she’s in pain but I also know I can’t help her if I don’t know what’s happening.
“Leave both of the doors open.” I glance at Rowan, “you stay here. Don’t let that f ucker in here while shes like this. Why was Vince with you anyway?” I can’t keep the annoyance from my phone, he was the last person I expected to see in this room.
“He’s staying with Sally and Susan, you know the elderly twins up on Creek Road.” I nod my head, of course that slime ball is staying with
His Rogue Omega: Chapter 47.
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the two oldest members of this Pack. “As soon as he realised where me and Rowan were going he came running along. We tried to tell him not to come but he wouldn’t listen.”
“Not your fault.” Selena smiles at me over her shoulder before going back to stitching up Eva. “Shout, for anything.” Once Rowan nods his head. I grab my keys off the tops of the drawers,I jog from the room and straight into my office. It takes me a second to get the door open because the blood on my hands and the scent of Vince is really throwing me. Storm is raging at that man being so close to our mate and I’m panicking because my mate’s blood is still on my skin.
Sitting down in my desk chair I close my eyes for a second and will my hands to stop shaking as I pick up the phone and dial a phone number I haven’t used in over a year.
“Alpha Cas, long time no speak.” Fraction answers the phone quickly, his tone is just as gruff and deep as I remember.
“I have a problem and I think you can help.” I hear some muttering and a door closing, “privately.”
“Alright give me a second.” I hear the phone being put down on his desk and him telling his daughter, Aurora, that he needs some alone time. “You’re on speaker, it’s me and James.” James is his Beta so I knew it was likely he would be there when I called.
“A few weeks ago I brought Eva to Everfur, she finally got her wolf about a week or so ago.” I open my drawer and pull out a bottle of Jameson, “she told me today that her wolf keeps telling her to run and that she’s not safe here.” I can’t keep the annoyance from my voice, I kind of wish she had told me what Ghost had been saying before now.
“Her wolf is feral.”, It’s not a question, it’s more like a statement of fact which means Fraction knows what I’m going through. “Did she attack
His Rogue Omega Chapter 47.
someone?” I shake my head as I pour myself a drink in my dirty glass.
“We sort of connected and afterwards I went to shower, while I was there I heard this scream and when I came out Eva had this claw mark down her leg.” I close my eyes as I down the drink and pour myself another, “for a minute I thought someone had attacked her but she told me her wolf was mad and then it happened right in front of me down her leg.” I hear some clicking and then Fraction is suddenly louder, which makes me think he’s taken me off speaker.
“Where is she now?” His tone has gone from laid back to full on Alpha.
“She passed out and my Doc is stitching her up.” I look at the wall separating us, I haven’t heard anything which means Selena is still working away.
“James go and tell Anna what’s happened, she’ll know what to do. She’ 11 need someone to keep an eye on the pups while she gets busy.” I don’t hear James answer but I do hear the squeak of a door opening and closing, “Cas listen to me. When she wakes up you need to mate her. whether she wants it or not. You need to mate her before her wolf does something worse.” His words are rushed which makes me think he’s heard of this situation before.
“You’ve seen this before?” I ask him quickly.
“Yeah I’ve seen it before, as soon as you mate her she becomes Pack. Her wolf will instantly settle, Anna will do what she can from here in helping her but nice she wakes up it’s on you.” I hear the tell-tale sign of a drink being poured from Fraction’s end, “if she’s anything like Anna and Winter she will fight you tooth and nail but it will be worth it.”
“And if she doesn’t want to mate me? She doesn’t love me yet.” I look
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up and see Rowan standing in the doorway of the office, “I don’t think I can force it on her.”
“Then get ready for more pain, this is just the start. Call me if you need me. Anna will get to work now, she told me to tell you to leave her asleep.” Fraction disconnects the call and I just look at the handset, how the hell is his mate going to help my mate from hundreds of miles


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