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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 22


I sit on the floor with my back to the door. for the seventh night in a row I’m listening to Anna sob to herself in the shower. I know what’s happening in her dreams, she doesn’t realise it, but she talks in her sleep. I listen as her father beats her, as John attacks her and dumps her in a cage, tonight I listened as I tormented her. Each time she speaks in her sleep it kills something inside of me. Since that first night we haven’t spoken about being mates, I haven’t touched her or even spoken. to her intimately. She hasn’t left my bedroom, not once. I bring her food: she pushes it around her plate, and we sit in silence. I want to be there for her but I’m running out of ways to help. Her safe place is the bathroom, any time I try to talk to her she runs into there and hides for hours on end

What can we do Leo?I reach out to my wolf for advice

Are you Alpha?Leo responds 

What a stupid question, of course I am.” 


The Sadness Bubble 


Then be Alpha‘ 

What the hell does that mean?’ 

He doesn’t reply. Then be Alpha.What the hell does that mean?! 


I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting in the shower, long enough for my shower to change from cold to hot and back to cold. My tears have mixed with the water, I’m not even sure I’m crying anymore. I should get up, I can hear Winter willing me to get up, she’s lending me her strength, but I don’t want it. I want my sadness to weigh me down. I’m carrying it around me like a shroud, like a bubble. I’m using it to protect myself

It’s like an explosion goes off in the bathroom, the door splintering shocks a scream out of me. Fraction is standing in front of me, he’s wearing the basketball shorts he fell asleep in, his beard is full and wild like he’s been running his hands through it. His hair is standing on end, which makes him look adorable and young. His eyes are switching between green and yellow, his chest is puffing in and out from his deep breathing. He walks towards me as his eyes settle on green. He carefully opens the shower door and leans down to pick me up. My n*ked wet b*dy collides with his chest. I’m not sure if I jump into his arms or if he picks me up. I’m enveloped in a fluffy white towel as he sits me on the counter between the two sinks

This has to stop Anna; I can’t help if you don’t talk to me.He says in a low voice as he pushes the wet hair out of my face. You need to start talking or at least stop running from me. I won’t hurt you Anna, not ever.As he talks my eyes are drawn to his mouth, I don’t know why I do it, I’m like a moth to the flame. I lean in and land a feather light k*ss on his l*ps. He doesn’t k*ss me back, so I go in for another, this time I hold my l*ps to his. I’m just about to pull away when he slants his l*ps over mine, I feel his tongue caress my l*ps and I gasp in 

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surprise. As his tongue blends with mine fireworks go off in my head, it’s like Christmas, fresh cookies and sunny days all rolled into one giant ball of goodness. I moan into his mouth and pull him closer with my hands in his hair. I can’t get enough of his taste. I try to bring my leg up to his hip as he pushes me away and holds me in place with his hands

Damn it, Anna. That’s not what I meant!He sounds mad, the weapon I feel pressing between my thighs says he’s anything but mad

I need you.I say as I try to reach his mouth again, damn his immovable arms. I’m your mate and I need you!” 


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