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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 23



When I wake up in the morning Fraction is not in the chair where he fell asleep. I roll onto my back, and I realise I fell asleep in a wet towel. My b*dy feels heavy after crying myself to sleep, my eyes feel crusty and lit 

I haven’t bathed in a month. I should really get up and shower. I stare at the ceiling as I contemplate getting out of bed. I look to the right and notice it’s 1pm, strange that Fraction didn’t wake me up for breakfast or lunch. As I lay here, I notice the noise around me, the house is busy, there are a lot of people outside and voices are floating up through the open window. With a heavy sigh I get up to look out. the window to see who is disturbing my misery

I stand at the window n*ked as the day I was born, no one can see me up here so why bother hiding? I can see James, Fraction and a female I don’t know in the front yard. I watch as James and Fraction laugh at something the female says. She has her arms wrapped around Fraction. and is running her fingers through his hair. I see red and before I know it my fist has gone through the window. All three look up at me with shocked looks on their faces. Fraction disengages from the female very quickly

AnnaI hear Fraction shout my name as I head away from the window

I head to the bathroom and step into the shower, I start the water and watch it turn pink from the blood on my hand. How dare he? I k*ss him. and he pulls away from me and now he’s down there letting a female pawn all over him! I give him my first k*ss and he is laughing with that. female. I’m starting to see red again as I hear the bedroom door open.. 




I can feel his eyes on me, since he decided to smash the door in last night, it’s not like I have privacy anymore. Well two can play his game. I take the pully and dump a massive amount of pineapple scented b*dy wash on it. I start at my neck and bring the suds down over my breast, when I get to my nipple, I let out a slight whimper. Out of the corner of my eye I see Fraction stand up a little straighter. I bring the puffy over to my other breast and again let out a whimper of pleasure as it glides over my nipple. I trail the puffy down my stomach and just as I’m about to reach the spot between my legs I drop the puffy and turn to look at him

Are you done?Fraction says to me, I can see the erection he has, it’s not hard to miss. The man is packing

Are you?I say as I turn to wash my hair

You didn’t have to break the window

And you didn’t have to play with your mistress in the front yard.Fraction lets out a laugh

I’ll play where I want.” 

So, you admit it, she’s your mistress? Not even mated me yet and you have taken a lover.Fraction just looks at me. I step out of the shower, dripping wet and n*ked I look him in the eye. Fine if that’s how your want it. I, AnnaFraction puts his hand over my mouth. It’s the only place he is touching me but my whole b*dy starts tingling

Don’t. You. Dare.He’s not shouting but I can feel his rage, I can see Leo in his eyes. Don’t you dare think we can have an argument and you can reject me. Don’t you dare.With that he picks me up, not bothered that I’m dripping wet. He drops me in the centre of the bed and stands at the end. The female you are referring to is James’s sister. I do not have a mistress. I do not have a lover.” 



211 Novers 

Well, she didn’t have to rub herself all over you like that!I shout at him, there’s no need to shout but I do, the rage is back and all I can see is red

She was being friendly,Fraction tries to defend the whore

She can be friendly without rubbing all over someone else’s mate.” 

With that Fraction loses his temper, my eyes widen as he jumps onto the bed and settles between my legs. He grabs both of my hands and holds them above my head in one of his giant hands. His forehead is against mine and I can feel his breath on me

Get off me. You stink!I can smell her all over him and it’s not helping with the rage

You’re cute when you’re jealous.” 

My eyes widen and I start sputtering, I’m not jealous. Youyouyou Alpha Pig!” 

Alpha Pig? That was a good one.His laughing at me makes me start pulling on my hands to get free

Don’t laugh at me! Let me go!I start bucking and thrashing to be free. That’s when I feel it, he’s hard. Are you really hard right now?I’m so mad I can’t keep myself still, he’s still laughing at me, it’s this low. annoying chuckle in the back of his throat. I buck again, oh that felt ck of his throat. I buck again, oh that felt good, his erection is rubbing between my legs. I suddenly forget why I’m mad at him, he has stopped laughing as I buck again and rub myself against him. I feel a gush of wetness between my legs, I watch his face, his eyes have dilated and he’s looking straight at me

Anna. Stop.He’s putting more weight on me which is just pressing him harder between my legs, I let out a whimper. It feels so good. Anna. Damn it! I can smell you.He thrusts against me and a bolt of 




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lightning shoots through my b*dy, a loud moan leaves me. Fraction leans into me and drops his mouth to my neck, he starts k*ssing where the mating mark should be. I take my hands and cup his back; my nails- dig into him as he bucks against me again. Goddess this feels amazing, I only see you, Anna.He whispers in my ear as he speeds up his hips, he’s rubbing right on my clit. Every push and drag of him is rubbing me and causing more wetness to gush out. I can smell us both in the air, he’s driving me wild with his k*sses. I turn my head to the side, and he captures my mouth. As soon as his tongue hits mine it feels like I explode, my toes curl and my back bows, a deep primal cry leaves my mouth, Fraction, oh Goddess, Fraction! YES!I feel something wet against my thigh and as his scent gets stronger, I realise he just came while rubbing against me. When I can see straight again, I realise Fraction is breathing just as heavy as I am. He finally let’s go of my hands and rolls to the side of me. Both laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, breathing like we have run a marathon, I feel so stated right 


Fraction sits up, Want to shower?” 

Don’t you dare wash my smell off you!I say to him, it came out sharper than I meant it too, if he can come to me smelling like another woman, he can walk around wearing my scent

I wasn’t planning on it; I was just going to get a cloth to clean up at little.He gets up and walks to the bathroom. OhI say to the room. I close my eyes to try and make sense of what just happened. I just had my first orgasm, and it was amazing. I feel something cold between my legs and look down to see Fraction rubbing me with a cloth


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