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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 26




As soon as I entered the office, I knew who he was, when Fraction sat me in his lap and introduced the two Alphas, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I don’t think he recognised me, the last time he saw me I was n*ked, bruised and terrified out of my mind. With cach blink of my eyes, I can remember the way he spoke, his accent, the way his whip landed on his Luna. Alpha Callum is the same Alpha who was at the place I was held

Not being able to sit here looking at him I jump up like I’ve been electrocuted. I think I say something, but I can’t be sure. Winter is forcing me to get outside, she is panicking too, I run. I hear my name being called but I keep running. As soon as I feel the fresh air on my face my whole world changes. My hands are suddenly paws, my pale skin is now snowwhite fur, all the colours around me have become muted. There is a whooshing sound in my ears, I see Fraction, but I can’t make out what he’s saying. I lower myself ready to pounce

I’m taking over before you kill our mate.‘ 

With that I am shoved to the back and Winter takes over. She runs into the trees so quickly it’s almost like we are flying. As Winter weaves between trees and jumps over boulders I feel a tingling between our shoulders, we are being followed. Winter dives behind a tree and stands very still. Winter is sniffing the air trying to scent who is following us, as soon as she sees the two wolves she jumps from behind the tree. One is jet black with white socks and the other is a massive grey wolf


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Thinking Winter is going to attack these wolves I try to tell her it’s James and Patrick, before I can utter a word she darts to the right and then to the left. I can feel our tail swishing and she is putting all her weight on her front paws. The giant grey wolf shifts into a very n*ked James, Winter doesn’t stop us from moving and keeps jumping from side to side

That’s enough Winter, shift back to Anna we need to talk to her.Winter keeps jumping

Listen to him.I implore Winter, she just shushes me and keeps bouncing

Winter! Enough playing, shift now!James is using his Beta Aura to force us to shift. Wint 

huffs into the air and bounces off into the 


Why didn’t you shift?I demand

I am Luna, he is Beta. He does not command us.Winter says as she puts on a burst of speed and sails through the trees and into an open. clearing

He’s going to be so mad we did not listen to him.I warn Winter

Let him be mad.She has settled into her rump and seems to be cleaning her paws and jaw

Well, I don’t want him mad.” 

And I didn’t want to be in that room with that Alpha.” 

Winter,I let out a big sigh you can’t just take over like this.” 

Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist I’m just stretching my paws. I’ll take you back now 



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Thank you. I will speak to Faction and maybe we can go running with Leo?” 

I can feel her excitement about a possible run with Leo. She turns around and starts running the way we came; we pass James and Patrick as we leave the clearing. I laugh at how James seems to skid to a stop. as he sees us fly past him. Winter takes us to the back of the packhouse. and plops down in the grass. She’s breathing heavily as we watch James and Patrick come up to us, both have shifted back and put shorts 

  1. on

You need to shift back before Alpha comes out, he’s going to be mad you ran off like that,Winter just sticks her nose in the air at Patricks words. Fine stay out here but don’t say I didn’t warn you.With that Patrick heads for the house as two warriors come out and take a seat on the front porch watching me

Thats cute, he thinks two low levels can keep us contained.Winter ist laughing as she starts grooming again

They can’t?” 

We are a true Omega. They think us weak and in need of help but that is not true. I can protect us if I need to.I’m shocked at her words, if we are that strong then how come all this bad stuff keeps happening to us, it’s because you haven’t shifted before. Until now we have been together but not connected as one.‘ 

Is that how I shifted so fast? I barely remember it.‘ 

Yes, I wanted out and we got out.She sounds very smug the way she says this. Almost like she’s proud of herself

Alright well I want to shift back now.I try to be demanding but my voice is shaking



No, I want to wait for Leo.I humph and sit back resigned to wait

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The sky around us starts getting darker and the warriors on the porch have gone inside, Winter stopped grooming a while ago and laid down, now she’s sat up and wagging her tail. As the door opens, I see what she is excited about. The biggest wolf I have ever seen comes out of the packhouse, he’s not running, he’s taking his sweet time walking across the yard. Winter’s tail has stopped wagging as Leo comes to a stop about an arms width from us. He is sitting on his rump and just staring at Winter, his yellow eyes are staring into ours, I feel winter tilt her head to the side, she lets out a little yap, but Leo doesn’t move

With Leo sitting like an immovable stone, I feel Winter get up and take a step towards him, Leo lets out a low growl and Winter immediately sits back down. It was a warning, a warning from our Alpha, we are in deep shit. Winter lowers us to the ground and flattens her tail, Leo takes a moment and seems to accept this submission. I expect him to come over to us and greet us properly, instead he shifts back into Fraction and commands. Shift. Now!I feel his Alpha aura pulsing out, without making the decision to do it we shift back into me

I’m sitting in the grass, holding my knees to my chest and I look at Fraction through my lashes. I go to speak but he holds up his hand, I immediately stop

Do you realise that you could have been killed today? All it would have taken is a stray rogue and my mate would have been taken from me before I even had a chance to claim her.I’ve never heard him like this, it’s like he’s trying to stop himself from shouting, Well? What do you have to say for yourself?” 

I’m sorry. I don’t even remember shifting and then Winter wouldn’t listen, she wouldn’t shift back.I’m still not looking at him, his aura is surrounding me and making it feel like I have a hundred blankets on 



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my shoulders, Fraction please!I’m almost crying. I feel the aura lessen slightly but it’s still there

And James? Why didn’t Winter listen to James?” 

Sheshe said that he is Beta and we are Luna, so we don’t have to listen to him. She only came back here because I promised her, I would ask for a run with Leo.” 

Really? So first you disrespect two Alphas by running out of the meeting without so much as a word. You disobey your Alpha by ignoring him when he shouts, you run off on your own when you know people could be looking for you and you disrespect our Beta by ignoring his command and now you want me to let Leo run with Winter?He started off low and grumbly but by the end he is shouting. I curl into myself worried about what he will do

III can’t get my words out; I’m so upset because I can feel the disappointment coming off him

Don’t! Don’t defend yourself to this Alpha. you aren’t part of the pack. You are not connected to them.I start crying so suddenly that Fraction. crouches down and lifts my chin with his finger

Why are you crying?He is still mad, but I can feel his concern for me, he doesn’t want to hurt me I can see it in his eyes

Winter said that we aren’t pack so I don’t have to defend myself to you.I’ve shocked him, he shoots to his feet and gets a blank look on his face. We stand in silence looking at each other as James and Patrick come out of the pack house and walk over to us. They both stand next to Fraction, I am now being stared at by three wolves, I can feel myself shrinking trying to make myself smaller

Anna says she doesn’t have to defend her actions as she isn’t pack, so we are going to rectify that now. Ready?Fraction speaks to Patrick 



and James, but he is looking directly at me

Yes, Alpha.Both say at the same time as James hands Fraction a silver knife

Anna on your knees.I hurry to do as he says. He moves the knife over his palm and opens a gash to let the blood flow

I, Alpha Fraction Monroe, accept you, Anna Clem, into the Swiftmane Pack. Once you drink from my blood you will be connected. to me and the pack.He holds his hand out to me and I reach up and drink from him

For a second I feel nothing and then it’s like building blocks sliding tot place, I can suddenly feel a string going from me to every other member in the pack. It’s like a spider web connecting us all together, Factions is stronger, his connection is more like a copper wire than a string

Good luck little Luna.I hear the voice in my head and the string connecting me and James together carries his voice to me. I open my eyes and find myself alone with Fraction again, his Alpha Aura feels stronger to me now. I instantly lower myself to my butt and look at the floor

Now that is sorted, you can tell me what happened.He sounds firm, demanding and very pissed off

The Alpha,the words tumble from me like I have no control over my mouth, the Alpha in your office. He was at the house I was kept in. He brought his Luna, and he made us watch as he did things to her. John said he paid for an audience.Fraction has dropped to his knees; I can feel the rage vibrating off him


You’re telling Alpha Callum paid for pack wolves to watch him have S*x with his Luna?I nod my head



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I don’t think he recognised me, but I knew it was him straight away.Im crying again, tears are falling from my eyes, I don’t swipe them away I let them fall

I’m sorry Anna, I’m so sorry. If I had known, I wouldn’t have been so mad. Of course, you didn’t want to stay there. Come on, let’s get you inside.” 

He goes to pick me up, but I flinch away from him, I’m not sure why but his Alpha aura is still weighing me down and I can feel his anger

Anna, I’m not going to hurt you.I look at him and I see the moment he realises he’s still using his aura. Like curtains being opened I feel the aura being dragged back into him, I suddenly feel a thousand times lighter and like I can take a full breath for the first time since he came outside. I stand up and walk past him towards the house, by the time I reach the door I can feel him behind me. I ignore him and head straight. for our bedroom without caring who sees me




Alpha pig indeed 

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Alpha pig indeed


I am exhausted. I have drunk more coffee today than I can remember. My meeting with Darryl and Callum ended up in a scream match, how we didn’t come to blows is beyond me. Callum left the packhouse pissed off and without finding out Max is here; he seems to think we are spoiling for a war. Darryl left with a promise to quietly speak to the other Alpha’s in the surrounding packs and that no matter what Pack Law was on my side. I had to pull my Alpha Aura out just to get Winter to shift back to Anna, I don’t think she realises how strong she is, a normal Omega shouldn’t be able to defy a Beta even without being sworn into the pack

Anna is beyond pissed, after she told me about Callum she got up and stormed up to our bedroom, I tried talking to her, but she refused to say one word. I left her alone to simmer down while I came to catch James up on what happened

So, Alpha Callum is aware pack shewolves are being held without. consent?James is still trying to wrap his head around it

Yup. I pop the P. I swear he has said this six or so times now

Ok, okok.He’s pacing back and forth in my office, what do we do now?” 

Well, the only thing we can do is have him tried at the next Moon. Gathering. Let the Elders decide what to do with him.” 

Really you’re going to leave this up to the Elders?he looks surprised 


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