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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 25

Visitors and panties


The first thing I become aware of is the hand gliding up and down my spine, the next thing is that im n*kedagain. Honestly, I need to figure this clothes thing out. Wherever I am it’s hot, like I need to jump in the pool to cool off, level of hot. I open my eyes to see a very tattooed chest in front of me, it’s covered celtic symbols and vines leading towards a family tree

Are you finally awake little wolf?Fraction’s voice sounds grull from sleep. Realising I fell asleep on him, I slyly reach my hand up to my mouth to check for dret out a little breath when I realise I‘ 

drool free. I feel Fraction’s laugh vibrating in his chest, I prop my head up on my hand and unwrap my legs from his

Why am I always waking up n*ked lately?Fraction is full laughing now and climbing out of the bed

Maybe that’s how I like you, n*ked and in our bed.He winks at me ast he turns to head towards the bathroom. I’m relieved to see he’s wearing shorts, honestly the more between me and that weapon he’s packing the better. Rolling onto my back I can see him dropping his shorts and stepping into the shower out of the corner of my eye. I close my eyes and try to think of anything but the S*xy wolf currently soaping up his b*dy. Naturally my b*dy betrays me and I feel myself getting wet, I pull the blanket over my head, like it’s going to hide my smell from him

Hey! I was watching!Winter makes her disapproval of my hiding known


Vistors and partes 

Shut up you hussy.‘ 

He’s our mate, we can look all we want. We can even do more than look.I laugh out loud when an image of Winter wiggling her 

eyebrows pops into my head

What’s so funny little wolf?I pull the blanket to just below my eyes, I quickly pull it up again when I see Fraction is towelling his hair and is totally uncovered everywhere else

Winter is a hussy.I tell the blanket 

Only Winter? I don’t think it’s Winter I’m smelling right now.Forgetting about his nudity I pop my head out from under the blanket

Fraction!I say in my most scandalised voice

Anna!He has this comical look on his face, if I wasn’t so embarrassed I might laugh

It’s not nice to comment on such things.” 

Oh? And who will I offend? The stuffed chair?I throw a pillow at him as he’s pulling his jeans on, this makes him stumble and fall on his ass. I’m full belly laughing, which causes me to rock from side to side

Oh you think that’s funny?He takes a step towards me but stops, he gets a blank look on his face. I just stare at him. Damn it, this will have to wait until later, we are late. James just told me Alpha Callum. and Alpha Darryl are entering our land.” 

Do I really have to meet them?I know I ventured out last night but I sort of want to stay in my bedroom bubble

Well you could stay up here but I think Alpha Darryl is bringing two unmated female warriors with him.I know what he’s doing and I’m 

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ashamed to say it works, forgetting about my nudity I jump out of the bed and run to the shower. I hear him laughing as I start the water

By the time I have finished my shower Fraction is all dressed, his hair is in his normal messy man bun and his beard is tamed to perfection. Im standing in his room wrapped in a towel, ermIt’s just accrued to me I don’t have any clothes in here and I don’t want to walk the hall to my room in nothing but a towel. Fraction looks at me and points to the bed, I ran next door and grabbed you some leggings and a tshirt, there are also some panties and socks in the drawer beside the bed.I just look at him

Why are there panties and socks in your drawer?” 

Because it’s yours?” 

OkI started walking towards my clothes, at least he picked some that match, grey leggings and a black AC/DC tshirt. He forgot the bra. IermI need a bra.I’m suddenly feeling very shy, being fairly gifted in the breast department, going braless isn’t an option

In the drawer with your panties. Anna, what’s wrong?I’m starting to dry myself and get dressed, I don’t bother to hide my nudity he’s seen it all anyway

It’s stupid. Im just being stupid.I’ve just finished putting on my 

panties and leggings. I’m just about to put my bra on when he stops me with a gentle hand on my shoulder

Nothing you do or say is stupid, now tell me whats wrong?His voice has dropped low like he’s trying not to spook a scared animal. I cl*p my bra into place and drop onto the bed on my butt. I look at my hands as I tell him, I don’t like that my stuff has been moved into your room without me being told, some random person went into my bedroom riffled through my stuff and then put them in here. I’m worried about meeting the Alphas, I mean what am I? How will you introduce me?” 



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Vadors and partes 

Fraction has kneeled down in front of me and clasped my hands in his

Ok, number 1 it wasn’t some random person, I moved your things into. here. I want this to be our room not my room. I’m sorry I didn’t ask but I wanted you to have at least some of your stuff in here and I thought panties were important.I look him in the eye and nod, that makes sense, Number 2, as for the Alphas I will introduce you as my mate and future Luna.” 

I don’t have your mark though.” 

That doesn’t make you any less my mate.he places a k*ss on my head. and stands up, Now can we finish getting ready the Alphas should be here any minute.” 


I watch as Anna gets herself ready, I can still sense her worry, she’s practically vibrating with it. Leo is pacing, he wants us to protect her, only there is nothing to protect her from. Right now she needs to be pushed or she will never leave this room

Alpha, I’ve put both visitors in your Office with James and the warriors are with me. Callum brought three warriors and Darryl just brought Lewis.Rick sounds over our mindlink, being able to communicate with pack members like this makes my life so much 


We will be down soon, Anna is just getting dressed. By the way, are there any female warriors?” 

No? Should there be?‘ 

Nevermind,I replý closing the link. Yeah I’m going to be in trouble 

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for my lie later on, I can’t wait for angry Anna. She is a treat


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